Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
164 Section 3/ Drugs Acting on ANS

of one to two hours until a satisfactory
response is obtained. For urinary retention
catheterization can be done and patients is
kept in dark room to alleviate photophobia.

Therapeutic Uses

  1. Gastrointestinal colic (as antispas-
    modic): Belladonna alkaloids relax the
    spasm of smooth muscles of intestinal,
    urinary and biliary tract. They are also
    effective in functional and drug
    induced diarrhoea, to relieve urinary
    urgency and frequency and enuresis in
    children. They are also used to reduce
    gastric secretion in peptic ulcer
    patients. Also, used to reduce the
    excessive sweating in tuberculosis and
    sweating and salivation in parkinso-
    nian patients.

  2. CNS disorders: Scopolamine and
    hyoscine are effectively used in the
    treatment of nausea, vomiting and motion
    sickness. Centrally acting anticholinergic/
    antihistaminics e.g. trihexyphenidyl are
    used in parkinsonism.

  3. Pre-anaesthetic medication: These
    agents reduce the salivary and respi-
    ratory secretion and are administered
    half an hour before general anaesthe-
    sia. They also prevent laryngospasm.
    Atropine is given in combination with
    morphine as a preanaesthetic medi-
    cation to antagonize the central
    depressant action of morphine on

  4. In organophosphorus poisoning:
    Atropine is used in mushroom
    poisoning due to muscarine.

  5. On CVS: Atropine is used for
    counteracting bradycardia and partial

heart block in some patients of
myocardial infarction.

  1. As mydriatic and cycloplegic
    agent: Atropine is used to produce
    mydriasis and cycloplegia for test-
    ing errors of refraction. Mydriasis is
    required for fundoscopic examina-
    tion and in the treatment of iritis
    and keratitis.



More potent than atropine. Used in
eye and onset of mydriasis and
cycloplegia is similar to that of atropine
but homatropine is not much used for
producing cycloplegia.

It is more potent and rapidly acting as
compared to homatropine for producing
mydriasis and cycloplegia especially in
children. It is also used in iritis.

It is used for refraction testing in adults
and as mydriating agent for fundoscopy. It
has quickest and briefest action.

It is used for abdominal colic and in
aerosol form it is used in bronchial asthma.

It is a valuable drug used in the treatment
of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
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