Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Antihypertensive Agents 177



It is an imidazoline derivative with a par-
tial agonist action. It stimulates presynap-
tic, α 2 receptors in vasomotor centre of brain
causing decreased sympathetic outflow
which results in fall of blood pressure and

After oral administration the absorption
is almost complete and rapid. It penetrates
easily into CNS. Half to two third of oral
dose is excreted unchanged in urine.

Adverse effects include drowsiness, dry
mouth, sedation, restlessness, anxiety,
nightmares, dizziness, sleep disturbances,
skin rash, urticaria, nausea, constipation,
indigestion and impotence.

Abrupt withdrawal may result in severe
rebound hypertension, hepatic dysfunction
and renal dysfunction.

It is indicated in hypertension of all grades
except pheochromocytoma, glaucoma and
migraine. It is also useful in opiate, alcohol and
nicotine withdrawal. It also attenuates vaso-
motor symptoms of menopausal syndrome.


It is α-methyl analogue of DOPA, the
precursor of dopamine and noradrenaline.

It is converted to alpha methyl
noradrenaline which stimulates central
alpha 2 adrenergic receptors in brain thereby
decreasing sympathetic outflow. It
decreases peripheral resistance more than
heart rate or cardiac output.

After oral administration bioavailability
is low because of extensive metabolism. It

is partly metabolized and partly excreted
unchanged in urine.
Adverse effects include dizziness, pos-
tural hypotension, sedation, dry mouth,
headache, sleep disturbances, depression,
anxiety, impotence, blurred vision, consti-
pation, skin rash, arthralgia, fatigue, anor-
exia, haemolytic anemia, parkinsonian
signs, drug fever and hepatitis.
It is indicated in mild to moderate


It is an alkaloid obtained from the roots of
‘Rauwolfia serpentina.’ It is known to deplete
the catecholamines – adrenaline,
noradrenaline and dopamine from the
various sites in the body. It also depletes 5-
hydroxytryptamine (serotonin).
Hypotension develops gradually and is
due to depletion of noradrenaline from
peripheral adrenergic nerve endings.
Adverse effects include nasal
congestion, flushing, bradycardia, postural
hypotension, water and salt retention and
CHF may be precipitated.
It also causes miosis, salivation,
increased gastric acid secretion. CNS side
effects include lethargy, apathy, psychic
depression which may result in suicidal
tendencies and weight gain.
Endocrinal disturbances include
gynecomastia and impotence.
Because of its serious side effects and
limited efficacy, it is not much used now
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