Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1

(Mode of Action of Drugs)





4.4 Antiarrhythmic Agents


Cardiac arrhythmias is a group of dis-
order characterized by an abnormal cardiac
rhythm and arise as a result of disorders of
impulse formation or conduction or both.

Tachyarrhythmias (sinus rate more
than 100 per minute) are produced by a
disturbances of impulse generation or of
impulse conduction in the heart.
Tachyarrhythmias due to disturbed im-
pulse formation are associated with ir-
regular and rhythmic discharge from ec-
topic pacemaker activity in areas of the
heart other than the SA node. The charac-
teristic of myocardial cells, which enables
them to generate spontaneous depolariza-
tion, is called automaticity.

Bradycardia can be due to depressed
sinus automaticity and AV block.
Bradyarrhythmias manifest as slow heart
rate (less than 50 to 60 beats per minute in
sleep). Depressed SA nodal automaticity
lead to missing beats and bradycardia. AV
block can be due to high vagal activity and
side effect of certain drugs e.g. digitalis and

Antiarrhythmic drugs can be classified
as in table 4.4.1.

By limiting the conductance of Na+ (and K+)
across cell membrane, they interfere with
depolarization and decrease responsiveness
to excitation thereby reducing rate of phase
of phase 4 depolarisation in automatic cells.

It is an alkaloid obtained from the
bark of cinchona and is a dextro isomer
of anti-malarial drug ‘quinine’. Its so-
dium channel blocking property results
in an increased threshold for excitability
and decreased automaticity. As a conse-
quence of its potassium channel blocking
properties, it prolongs action potential in
most cardiac cells.

Pharmacological Actions

Cardiac actions:
a. Excitability: Quinidine depresses the
excitability of cardiac tissues.



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