Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1

(Mode of Action of Drugs)





4.6 Plasma Expanders

Plasma substitutes/expanders are high
molecular weight substances when infused
intravenously into blood stream retain flu-
id in the vascular compartment and exert
oncotic pressure. But before infusing into the
blood stream, the following requirement
may be present.

  • Should have same oncotic pressure
    with plasma.

  • Should remain in blood stream for ad-
    equate period.

  • Should not be disposed rapidly by
    metabolic degradation or by excretion.

  • Should remain stable on storage.

  • Should not interfere with blood group-
    ing and cross matching.

  • Should be compatible with other IV
    fluid and other drugs.

  • Should be easily sterilized.

  • Should be pharmacologically inert and
    have a viscosity suitable for infusion
    into blood stream.
    They are used in conditions where
    blood plasma has been lost e.g. shock, burn
    cases, severe trauma and extensive tissue
    damage as a temporary measure till the

Plasma Expanders

blood can be arranged. These do not have
O 2 carrying capacity.
The clinically used plasma expanders
are classified as in table 4.6.1.

It is obtained from heat treated pooled
human plasma. 100 ml of 20% human albu-
min solution is osmotic equivalent of 800 ml
of whole blood. It draws and holds addi-
tional fluid from tissues. It can used irrespec-
tive of patient’s blood group. For optimum
benefit it should be used with electrolyte
solutions. It does not interfere with coagu-
lation and there is no risk of sensitization.
Table 4.6.1: Classification of plasma substitutes/
I. Human albumin (20% solution; ALBUSAFE)
II. Dextran
Dextran 70 (Mol. wt. 70,000; 6% solution;
Dextran 40 (Mol. wt. 40,000; 10% solution;
III. Degraded gelatin polymer – polygeline (3.5% in
electrolyte solution; HAEMACCEL)
IV. Hydroxyethyl starch (HES; Hetastarch; 6%
solution; HESTAR)
V. Polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP; 3.5% solution in
buffered normal saline; OSMOPLASMA)
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