Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Coagulants and Anticoagulants 243

postoperative haemorrhage (cardiac surgery
with cardiopulmonary bypass, coronary
artery bypass grafting), total knee
replacement, gastrointestinal bleeding, local
and general fibrinolysis, epistaxis, prosta
tectomy, haemoptysis and haemorrhage
after dental extraction.


It is a sclerosing agent for bleeding
oesophageal varices, varicose veins,
bleeding gastroduodenal ulcers etc.


IV injection causes intimal inflammation
and thrombus formation occluding the
injected vein. Subsequent formation of
fibrous tissue results in partial or complete
vein obliteration.

It is indicated in the treatment of small,
uncomplicated varicose veins of the lower
extremities, haemangioma, ganglionoma,
oesophageal varices.


These are the drugs used to reduce the
coagulability of blood. They can be classified
as in table 6.1.3.


Heparin is a heterogenous mixture of
sulfated mucopolysaccharides and quick
acting anticoagulant which shows efficacy
both in vitro and in vivo and having a
molecular weight from 4,000 to 40,000
depending upon the type of preparations.
Its biological activity is dependent upon the
plasma protease inhibitor antithrombin III,
which inhibits clotting factor proteases by

forming equimolar stable complexes with
It acts by activating plasma antithrombin
III which rapidly inhibits activated coagulation
factors IXa, Xa, XIa and XIIa, plasmin, kallikrein
and thrombin, thus inhibiting conversion of
fibrinogen to fibrin.
Heparin is well absorbed after subcuta-
neous administration and is not effective
orally, and metabolized mainly in liver. It is
not secreted in milk and does not cross pla-
cental barrier.
Adverse effects include bleeding,
alopecia (reversible), bleeding from gums,
unexplained bruising, osteoporosis and
rarely hypersensitivity, thrombocytopenia
and hyperkalemia.
It is indicated in the prophylaxis and
treatment of deep vein thrombosis in major
surgery and pulmonary embolism,
treatment of atrial fibrillation with
embolisation, prophylaxis and treatment of
peripheral arterial embolism.

These are prepared by enzymatic or
chemical hydrolysis of conventional heparin,
their molecular weight varies from 3,000 to
7,000. They are absorbed more completely
than the conventional heparin preparation
and having longer duration of action.
It is obtained as fragments of commercial
grade heparin which is produced by
chemical or enzymatic depolymerisation. It
contains less pentasaccharide sequences
with a high affinity for antithrombin III.
LMWH exerts its action mostly by anti-
thrombin mediated inhibition of factor Xa.
But some thrombin inhibition by LMWH is
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