Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
282 Section 8/ Drugs Acting on Endocrine System

Pharmacological Actions

Corticosteroids are synthesized in the
adrenal cortex under the influence of ACTH.
Glucocorticoids affect the metabolism of
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, calcium and
Metabolic effects: Glucocorticoids
promote glycogen deposition in liver by
stimulating glycogen synthetase activity and
increasing glucose production from protein.
They also inhibit peripheral utilization of
glucose and increase glucose release from
liver. It produces resistance to insulin.

Glucocorticoids also cause breakdown of
protein and amino acid mobilization from
peripheral tissues. They stimulate the

conversion into glucose (neoglucogenesis) in
the liver.
Glucocorticoids inhibit the uptake of glucose
by fat cells, resulting in increased lipolysis. The
increased insulin secretion in response to
hyperglycaemia also stimulates lipogenesis and
ultimately increase in fat deposition.
The catabolic effect on bone can cause
osteoporosis in Cushing’s syndrome.
Glucocorticoids maintain normal
glomerular filtration rate. The
adrenalectomized animal can not excrete a
water load and tend to develop water
intoxication and this can be treated by
Glucocorticoids also inhibit calcium

Table 8.3.1: Classification of glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids.

Hydrocortisone (Cortisol; HYCOSON) 100 mg IM used as hydrocortisone sodium succinate
injection. Also used as intraarticular inj. as
hydrocortisone acetate & 1-2.5% topical (skin, ear &
eye; WYCORT)
Prednisolone (EMSOLONE) 5-60 mg/day oral, 10-40 mg intramuscular/intra
articular inj. and 0.25% topical (skin, eye)
Triamcinolone (TRICORT) 8-32 mg/day oral, intraarticular (2.5-15 mg),
intradermal and deep intramuscular injection. 0.1%
topical cream (as acetonide; LEDERCORT)
Dexamethasone (DEXONA) 0.5-5 mg/day oral, 4-20 mg/day IM/IV, 0.1% topical
(skin cream) as dexamethasone sodium phosphate
and trimethyl acetate
Betamethasone (BETNESOL) 0.5-5 mg/day oral, 4-20 mg/day IM/IV, 0.1 topical
cream as betamethesone benzoate (TOPICASONE)
and betamethasone valerate (BETNOVATE)
Beclomethasone (as dipropionate; BECLATE) 0.025% topical (cream)
Fluocinolone (as acetonide; FLUCORT) 0.025% topical (ointment)
Desoxycorticosterone acetate (DOCA) 10-20 mg IM (once or twice in a week), 0.25 mg SL.
Flurdocortisone (FLORICORT) 0.2-2 mg/day
Aldosterone: It is a mineralocorticoid. Its actions are retention of sodium and reduction of serum potassium.
It acts on distal tubules of kidney to increase sodium reabsorption (details are discussed in chapter ‘Diuretics
and antidiuretics’).
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