Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
284 Section 8/ Drugs Acting on Endocrine System

CNS: Psychiatric disturbances, euphoria.
Other side effects include muscular
weakness, delayed healing of wounds,
alopecia, hyperglycemia, susceptibility to
infections etc.

Therapeutic Uses of Glucocorticoids

Glucocorticoids are used in the
following physiological and clinical

  1. Adrenocortical insufficiency:

    • Acute: Hydrocortisone/dexametha-
      sone IV inj.

    • Chronic: Addison’s disease; congen-
      ital adrenal hyperplasia (genetic
      disorder due to deficiency of ste-
      roidogenic enzymes).

  2. Rheumatology:
    a. Intraarticular injection: Rheuma-
    toid arthritis, osteoarthritis, gouty
    arthritis, joint sequelae of fractures
    and dislocations.
    b. Periarticular/soft tissue injection:
    Scapulohumeral periarthritis, peri-
    arthritis of hip, bursitis, tendinitis,
    synovitis, tenosynovitis, tarsalgia,
    metatarsalgia, epicondylitis, Du-
    puytren’s contracture, Peyronie’s
    disease, cystic tumors of aponeuro-
    sis or tendon (ganglia).

  3. Severe allergic reactions such as
    urticaria, serum sickness, anaphylaxis.

  4. Bronchial asthma, in acute and severe
    chronic asthma, aspiration pneumonia
    and pulmonary edema.

  5. Autoimmune haemolytic anaemia,
    thrombocytopenia etc.

  6. Ear disorders:

a. Allergic rhinitis, nasal polyposis.
b. Allergic sinusitis.
c. Cicatrizing lesions of the middle ear.

  1. Dermatology: Topical steroids are useful
    in keloids, hypertrophic scars, other
    localised hypertrophic, infiltrated,
    inflammatory lesions of lichen planus,
    psoriatic plaques, granuloma annulare
    and lichen simplex chronicus; discoid
    lupus erythematosus, necrobiosis
    lipoidica diabeticorum and alopecia

  2. Neurology: Lumbago, sciatica,
    cervicobrachial neuralgia and other
    painful radiculopathies; selected cases
    of inflammatory disorders such as
    tuberculous meningitis and multiple

  3. GIT: Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease

  4. Malignant diseases: Corticoids are
    used in combination with other therapy
    in the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease,
    acute lymphatic leukemia and other

  5. Miscellaneous uses: Corticoids in
    higher dose can be given along with
    other immunosuppressants in certain
    organ transplantation cases to prevent
    rejection reaction.
    It is more potent (4 times) than
    hydrocortisone. It has intermediate duration
    of action.
    Adverse effects include peptic
    ulceration, myopathy, steroid psychosis. On
    prolonged use posterior subcapsular cataract,
    glaucoma, osteoporosis, hyperglycemia,

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