Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
290 Section 8/ Drugs Acting on Endocrine System

axilla, chest and pubic hair and change in voice;
development of accessory sexual organs e.g.
seminal vesicles, prostate and epididymis and
development of male skeletal musculature.

Androgens and anabolic steroids are
classified as in table 8.3.4.


It is a natural androgen secreted by
testis. The secretion is regulated by LH
hormone secreted by pituitary gland.

It is responsible for development of sex
organs and secondary sex characters in
males at puberty. It leads to growth of
genitals, growth of hair (pubic, axillary,
beard, moustache, body hair), thickening
of skin, larynx grows and voice deepens
and also behavioural changes. It is also
needed for normal spermatogenesis and
maturation of spermatozoa. It is also
responsible for pubertal spurt of growth in
boys leading to increased bony and skeletal
muscles growth.

Testosterone is not given orally as it is
extensively metabolised in liver and the
bioavailability is low. Testosterone is
converted by 5a-reductase in target tissues
to more potent dihydrotestosterone.
It is metabolized in liver to glucuronic acid
and sulfate conjugates and excreted in urine.
Adverse effects include menstrual
irregularities, deepening of voice in women,
edema, cholestatic jaundice, virilization,
priapism, increased libido, acne, precocious
puberty, premature epiphyseal closure,
gynaecomastia and hepatic carcinoma and
reduction in spermatogenesis.
The capacity of androgens to enhance the
epiphyseal closure in children may persist for
as long as several months after discontinuation
of the drug. In children androgens should be
used with great caution.
It is indicated in replacement therapy to
maintain sex characteristics in adults with

Table 8.3.4: Classification of androgens, anabolic steroids and antiandrogens.

I. Natural
Testosterone (as propionate, cypionate Propionate 25-200 mg IM per day to bimonthly;
undecanoate, enanthate; NUVIR) undecanoate 40 mg OD-TDS
II. Synthetic
Methyltestosterone 25 mg/day SL
III.Anabolic steroids
Nandrolone (as decanoate, phenyl 10-100 mg IM once a wk to every 3 wks
propionate; DURABOLIN)
Stanozolol (NEURABOL) 2-6 mg/day
Mesterolone (PROVIRONUM) 25-50 mg/day
Danazol (DANOGEN) 200-800 mg/day
Cyproterone acetate
Flutamide (PROSTAMID) 250 mg TDS
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