Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Beta Lactam Antibiotics 325


It is a broad spectrum cephalosporin
having a long half life and administered
once daily and indicated in meningitis,
septicaemia, typhoid, urinary tract
infections, prophylaxis in surgical infections,
pneumonia, STD, bacteremia and pelvic
inflammatory disease.


It is a parenteral, semisynthetic third
generation cephalosporin. It is not
metabolised and approximately 90 percent
of drug is excreted by the kidney in
unchanged form. It is indicated in lower
respiratory tract, skin and soft tissue
infection, septicaemia, urinary tract infection
and gonorrhoea.


Cefixime is an orally active third-
generation cephalosporin antibiotic which
has marked in-vitro bactericidal activity
against a wide variety of gram positive and
negative organisms. It is indicated for the
treatment of urinary tract, infection,
respiratory tract infection and biliary tract
infection etc.

Cefixime given orally is about 40 to 50
percent absorbed whether administered
with or without food. However, time to
maximum absorption is increased approxi-
mately 0.8 hours when administered with
food. It is excreted unchanged in the urine
in 24 hours.

Adverse effects include diarrhoea,
nausea, vomiting, skin rash, urticaria, drug
fever, pruritus, dizziness, hypersensitivity
reactions, hematological disorders.
It is indicated in respiratory tract
infections, gonorrhoea, otitis media, urinary
tract infection and typhoid fever.

It is broad spectrum cephalosporin with
anti-pseudomonal activity. It is more
susceptible to β-lactamases and is primarily
excreted in bile. Used in severe susceptible
infections of respiratory, urinary, GIT, skin
and soft tissues, meningitis, septicaemia,
gonorrhoea, bacteremia and peritonitis.
Cefoperazone is also used in combina-
tion with sulbactam.



It is fourth generation cephalosporin
used mainly in serious infections including
septicaemia and respiratory tract infections
and infections acquired from hospitals. It is
resistant to many β-lactamases.

Its antibacterial spectrum is similar to
that of third generation cephalosporins. It
is highly resistant to β-lactamases.
It is indicated in bacteremia, septicae-
mia, febrile neutropenia and hospital ac-
quired infections.

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