Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
362 Section 9/ Chemotherapy

eradicating ascariasis and ancylostomiasis.
It acts by stimulating ganglia of the worm
which results in tonic paralysis, which are
subsequently eliminated from the intestines.

Adverse effects include nausea, epigastric
discomfort, insomnia, dizziness, weakness and

If taken along with alcohol, it may
produce disulfiram like reaction.


It is salicylamide derivative, act by

inhibiting anaerobic phosphorylation of
ADP by the mitochondria of the parasite.
It is devoid of any major toxicity except
minor gastrointestinal disturbances.

It is an alternative drug for treatment
of ascariasis and pinworms.
It possibly exerts its action by
antagonizing the action of acetylcholine
thus blocking neuromuscular transmission.
Hence, flaccid paralysis occurs. It is
considerably absorbed, partly metabolized

Table 9.10.1: Classification of anthelmintic agents.
Drug(s) Uses and Dose

  1. Mebendazole (MEBEX) Ascariasis, ankylostomiasis: 100 mg BD × 3 days; Trichu-
    riasis: 400 mg single dose; Pinworm: 100 mg OD & repeat
    after 2 & 4 weeks; Intestinal capillariasis: 400 mg/d × 21 days;
    Taeniasis: 300 mg BD × 3 days.

  2. Albendazole (ZENTEL) Ascariasis, ankylostomiasis and trichuriasis: 400 mg single
    dose; Taeniasis & strongyloidosis: 400 mg × 3 days;
    Neurocysticercosis: 15 mg/kg/daily × 1 month; Hydatid disease:
    400 mg BD × 1 month (if required repeat after 2 wks).

  3. Thiabendazole (MINTEZOL) Trichinosis and strongyloidosis: 25 mg/kg/day in two divided
    doses × 2 days after meal (if required repeat after 2 days)

  4. Levamisole (DECARIS) Ascariasis and hook worm infestation: 50-150 mg single dose.

  5. Niclosamide (NICLOSAN) Taeniasis: 0.5-2 g (After breakfast 1 g to be chewed and
    swallowed with water followed by 1 g after 1 hr); For H. nana
    infestation: 2 g dose is repeated daily for 5 days.

  6. Piperazine (as citrate) Ascariasis: 4.5 g OD × 2 days; in children 0.75 g/year of age
    (max 4.5 g); Enterobiasis: 4.5 g OD, repeat after 3 weeks.

  7. Pyrantel pamoate For Ascaris, enterobius & ancylostoma: 10-15 mg/kg (max 1 g)
    single dose; Necator and strongyloides: 3 day course.

  8. Diethyl carbamazine (HETRAZAN) Tropical eosinophilia: 4-6 mg/kg BD-TDS × 7-10 days; Filariasis:
    6-12 mg/kg OD-BD × 21 days; Also used in prophylaxis of filaria.

  9. Ivermectin (IVERMECTOL) Onchocerciasis: 150 μg/kg single dose. Also used in intestinal
    nematode infection and enterobiasis. For scabies and
    strongyloidiasis: 200 μg/kg single dose.

  10. Praziquantel (CYSTICIDE) Taeniasis: 10 mg/kg single dose; H. nana: 15-25 mg/kg single
    dose; Neurocysticercosis: 50 mg/kg in 3 divided doses × 15
    days; Schistosome and other flukes except Fasciola hepatica:
    75 mg/kg/day, can be repeated if needed.

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