Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
376 Section 9/ Chemotherapy

testicular tumour, squamous cell carcinoma
of skin, neck and head, genitourinary tract
and oesophagus neoplasm, malignancy of
cervix, Hodgkin’s and non Hodgkin’s lym-
phoma, choriocarcinoma and embryonal
cell carcinoma of testis, brain tumour and


It is a highly toxic antibiotic with
antitumour activity isolated from
Streptomyces caespitosus.

It inhibits DNA synthesis and cross
links DNA.

After oral administration it exhibits
inconsistent absorption. Hence it is
administered by IV route and is metabolised
in liver.

It is used in the treatment of adenocar-
cinoma, lymphosarcoma and seminoma. It
is also used in squamous cell carcinoma of

Adverse effects include nausea,
vomiting, alopecia, pulmonary fibrosis,
bone marrow depression, sterility,
amenorrhoea and renal toxicity.


The vinca alkaloids are isolated from plant
Vinca rosea. They are cell cycle specific and
mitotic inhibitors.


It blocks mitosis and produces
metaphase arrest by binding to microtu-
bular protein ‘tubulin’, preventing its

After oral administration the absorp-
tion is unpredictable. It is metabolised in
Adverse effects include local reaction
if extravasation occurs, constipation, para-
lytic ileus, jaw pain, alopecia, bone mar-
row depression, peripheral neuropathy,
inappropriate ADH secretion, shortness of
breath and bronchospasm.
It is indicated in acute leukaemias, lym-
phomas, Ewing’s sarcoma, neuroblastoma,
Wilm’s tumour and idiopathic thrombocy-
topenic purpura.

It interferes with metabolic pathways
of amino acids leading from glutamic acid
to the citric acid (Krebs) cycle and urea.
Vinblastine has an effect on cell energy
production required for mitosis and
interferes with nucleic acid synthesis.
Reversal of antitumour effect by glutamic
acid or tryptophan has occurred.
It undergoes rapid distribution and
extensive tissue binding following IV
injection. It is metabolised in liver.
Adverse effects include hepatic
function impairment, leucopenia,
aspermia, nausea, vomiting, hypertension
and alopecia.
It is indicated in Hodgkin’s and non
Hodgkin’s lymphoma, testicular
carcinoma, mycosis fungoides and Kaposi’s

It is semisynthetic vinca alkaloid. It
interferes with microtubules, in miotic
spindle fibres leading to cell cycle arrest
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