Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1

(Mode of Action of Drugs)






Vitamins and Trace


Vitamins are exogenous chemical
substance required by the body in very small
amount for the various metabolic functions
of the body and categorized as essential
nutrients. They do not yield energy but
enable the body to use other nutrients and
are primarily used in the prevention and
treatment of certain deficiency diseases.

Vitamins are vital for normal metabo-
lism in body. They vary in their chemical
structure and are supplied in very small
quantity in diet, because they are not syn-
thesized in body or their rate of production
is not sufficient for maintenance of health.
Vitamin deficiency leads to development of
deficiency symptoms. Different vitamin
preparations are available for treatment and
prophylaxis. Most of the vitamins are non-
toxic but on chronic administration can
cause toxicity especially vitamin A and D.

Vitamins are classified into two main

I. Fat soluble vitamins, includes
vitamin A, D, E and K.
II. Water soluble vitamins, includes B-
complex group and vitamin C.
The fat soluble vitamins are stored in the
body and excessive administration of fat

soluble vitamins can cause toxicity, while
water soluble vitamins are rapidly excreted
in the urine and cause very less toxicity.
The different market preparation
available for vitamins are given in table
10.1.1 and the deficiency diseases which
occur with deficient supply of various
vitamins are listed in table 10.1.2.
Table 10.1.1: Classification of various preparations
of vitamins.
Vitamin A (ROVIGON)
Vitamin D (CALCIROL)
Vitamin E (EVION)
Alfacalcidol (ALCIDOL)
Vitamin B complex group
Vitamin B 1 (Thiamine; BENALGIS)
Vitamin B 2 (Riboflavin; LIPABOL)
Vitamin B 5 (Calcium pantothenate; SIGMA
Vitamin B 6 (Pyridoxine; PYRICONTIN)
Vitamin B 12 (Cyanocobalamin/Mecobalamin;
Folic acid (FOLVITE)
Vitamin C (Ascorbic acid; CELIN)
Multivitamins preparations
B 1 + B 6 + B 12 (NEUROBION)
B complex (B 1 , B 2 , B 3 , B 5 , B 6 , B 12 + folic acid;

Vitamins and Trace


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