Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Vitamins and Trace Elements 387

It is indicated in wet beriberi, dry
beriberi, Wernicke’s encephalopathy,
prophylaxis of thiamine deficiency,
hyperemesis gravidarum, Korsakoff’s
syndrome, chronic alcoholics, multiple
neuritis, toxic and confusional states,
delirium tremens and anorexia nervosa.

Dosage: Mild chronic deficiency: 10-25
mg daily; severe deficiency, 200-300 mg


It carries its physiological function in
its active forms, flavin mononucleotide
(FMN) and flavin adenine dinucleotide.
These coenzymes are involved in various
biochemical reactions.

Deficiency symptoms: It is character-
ized by glossitis, dermatitis of trunk and
extremities, angular stomatitis, cheilosis,
anaemia, neuropathy, cataract formation
and vascularization of cornea.

It is indicated in arteriosclerosis, as
adjunct in treatment of hypertension,
diabetes and obesity.


Niacin was initially called pellagra
preventing factor.

It is converted to coenzymes,
nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)
or nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
phosphate (NADP). These coenzymes are
bound to hydrogenases, function as
oxidants by accepting hydrogen and
electrons from substrates and become

Deficiency symptoms: In niacin
deficiency, pellagra develops. The main

features of this condition are diarrhoea,
dermatitis and dementia. Nausea, vomiting,
stomatitis, dizziness, depression, insomnia,
headache develops. In severe deficiency
hallucinations and dementia occurs.
Adverse effects include flushing,
activation of peptic ulcer, vomiting,
diarrhoea, pruritus, skin rash and transient
It is indicated in pellagra, for prophy-
laxis, Hartnup disease, hyperlipoprotein-

Pantothenic acid is traditionally
considered to be vitamin B substance. It is
widely distributed in meat, legume and
whole grain cereals, egg, milk, vegetables
and fruit.
It is a component of coenzyme A which
is essential in the metabolism of carbohy-
drate, fat and protein.
Deficiency symptoms: Deficiency of
panthothenic acid is unlikely in man
because of its widespread distribution in
food, though it has been administered by
mouth as a nutritional supplement as the
calcium salt and usually in conjunction
with other vitamins of the B group.
Dosage: 50 to 100 mg per day.

It is involved as a coenzyme (pyridoxal
phosphate) in metabolism of tryptophan,
in several metabolic transformations of
amino acids including transamination,
decarboxylation and racemization.
Deficiency symptoms: Peripheral
neuritis, seizures, stomatitis, anaemia,
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