Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Vitamins and Trace Elements 391


Less than 6 mg of chromium is found in
the body, with the highest concentrations
occurring in the adrenal glands, brain, skin,
muscles and fat.

The total body content of chromium is
estimated to be 6 to 10 mg. The recommended
safe limit for daily chromium intake by adult
is 0.05 to 0.2 mg.


The body contains only 20 mg of
manganese, found mostly in the bones and
glands. The plasma level is low, about 2.5

The best sources of manganese are
wheat bran, dried legumes, seeds, nuts and
leafy green vegetables, other good sources
are cereal grains, coffee and tea. The
adequate range in adult diet is 2.5 to 5.0

Manganese is a cofactor of enzymes
involved in energy metabolism and is re-
quired for hemoglobin synthesis, thiamin
utilization and tendon and bone formation.
Unlike nutrients that fulfil unique func-

tions, other minerals sometimes can sub-
stitute for manganese.

Molybdenum is found primarily in the
liver, kidneys, bone, skin and adrenal glands.
Organ meats, legumes and grains are
good sources. The adequate range of
molybdenum intake for adults is 75 to 250
mcg/day. It is equally excreted in the urine
and the faeces.
Because molybdenum is a copper
antagonist, high levels of copper decrease
the absorption of molybdenum. It is equally
excreted in the urine and the faeces.
Molybdenum is a cofactor for enzymes
involved in protein synthesis.

Selenium is an essential trace element
in the human body. This nutrient is an im-
portant part of antioxidant enzymes that
protect cells against the effects of free radi-
cals that are produced during normal oxy-
gen metabolism. Selenium is also essential
for normal functioning of immune system
and thyroid gland.

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