Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Chelating Agents & Treatment of Poisoning 403

Supportive Therapy

Blood pressure, ECG, blood gas analysis,
urine output and respiration are to be
monitored. To correct coagulation
parameters, blood transfusion may be


Antivenom is the only specific antidote
to snake venom. Antivenom is immunoglo-

bulin purified from the serum or plasma of a
horse or sheep that has been immunised with
the venoms of one or more species of snake.
Antivenom should be given by the intrave-
nous route. Freeze dried (lyophilised)
antivenoms are reconstituted, usually with
10 ml of sterile water for injection per am-
poule. Adrenaline should always be drawn
up in readiness before antivenom is adminis-
tered for any possible anaphylactic reactions.

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