Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
Index 487

Stevens-Johnson syndrome 49
Stimulant laxatives 254
Stokes Adams syndrome 136
Stool softener 254
Streptokinase 244, 245
Streptomyces aureofaciens 5
Streptomyces erythreus 5
Streptomyces griseus 5
Streptomyces venezuelae 5
Streptomyces nouresi 5
Streptomycin 327, 365, 366
Stropanthin-G 171
Stropanthin-K 171
Structure Activity
Relationship (SAR) 42
Strychnine 119, 120
Succinyl sulfathiazole 304
Succinylcholine 111, 112
Sucralfate 263, 266
Sulbactam 318, 321
Sulfacetamide 304
Sulfadiazine 304
Sulfadimethoxine 304
Sulfadimidine 304
Sulfadoxime 350
Sulfafurazole 304
Sulfaguanidine 304
Sulfamethaxazole 304
Sulfamethizole 304
Sulfamethopyrazine 304, 350
Sulfamethoxypyridazine 304
Sulfasalazine 84, 92, 93, 254,
256, 304
Sulfinpyrazone 84, 93, 94
Sulindac 84, 88
Sumatriptan 147
Suppositories 7, 12
Supradditive 44
Suramin 359, 364
Surgical ligatures and
sutures 6
Sympathomimetics 231
Synergism 43, 54
Syrup of Tolu 231
Syrup of Vasaka 231
Syrups 10, 13


Tachyphylaxis 42
Tacrine 121, 154
Tadalafil 149
Tamoxifen 285, 287, 372, 378
Tamsulosin 145, 148
Tannins 5
Taxanes 377
Tenoxicam 84, 89
Teratogenicity 47, 49
Terazosin 145, 147, 176, 178
Terbinafine 345, 347
Terbutaline 133, 232, 233
Terfenadine 217
Testosterone 290
Tetracaine 114
Tetracyclines 311, 356
Thalidomide 370
The Drugs & Magic Remedies
Act 24
The Drugs (Price Control)
Order 24
The Medical Termination of
Pregnancy Act 24
The Medicinal & Toilet
Preparations Act 23
The Poisons Act 24
The Prevention of Food
Adulterations Act 24
Theophylline 119, 232, 233
Theophylline ethanolate of
piperazine 232
Therapeutic Index 46
Thevetin 171
Thiabendazole 361, 362
Thiacetazone 365
Thiazides 204
Thiocyanates 294
Thiopentone sodium 62, 65
Thio-TEPA 371, 373
Throat paints 6, 14
Thrombogenesis 239
Thromboplastin 240
Thromboxane A2 239

Thyroglobulin 293
Thyroid extract/thyroxine 6
Thyroid stimulating hormone
(TSH) 269
Thyroxine (l-thyroxine
sodium) 293
Thyroxine (T4) 271, 293
Tiagabine 106
Tibolone 285, 286
Ticarcillin 318, 321
Timolol 148, 151
Tinctures 10, 13
Tinidazole 345, 355, 356, 359
Tinzaparin 244
Tizanidine 111, 113
Tobramycin 327, 328
Tolazamide 277
Tolazoline 145
Tolbutamide 277, 278, 304
Tolerance 42
Tolnaftate 345, 347
Topiramate 106, 109
Topotecan 372, 377
Toxicology 3
Trace elements 390
Tragacanth 5
Tramadol 76, 79
Tranexamic acid 241, 242
Transferrin 248
Triamazosin 145
Triamcinolone 282, 285
Triamterene 204, 207
Trichloroethylene 62, 63
Trichomoniasis 359
Trifluoperazine 95, 97
Trifluoperidol 95, 97
Triflupromazine 68, 95, 258
Trihexyphenidyl 125, 163
Triiodothyronine (T3) 271,
Trimethadione 106
Trimethoprim 304, 306
Trimipramine 101, 102
Trimoprostil 226
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