Pharmacology for Dentistry

(Ben Green) #1
68 Section 2/ Drugs Acting on CNS


Atropine (0.06 mg IM, IV) or scopola-
mine is generally given in combination with
morphine to block the vagal action so as to
reduce the salivary and bronchial secretions.

They also prevent vagal bradycardia and
hypotension during operation. Hyoscine
produces amnesia and antiemetic effect also.


Chlorpromazine (25 mg), triflupromazine

(10 mg) or haloperidol (2-4 mg) IM are used
as preanaesthetic medication. They reduce
anxiety, emesis and help in smooth induction.
However, these compounds potentiate
respiratory depression.

Droperidol and hydroxyzine (25-50 mg
IM) is sometime used for their antiemetic
activity. Hydroxyzine has antianxiety,
antihistaminic and anticholinergic proper-
ties also.

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