The Millionaire Mindset

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MasTerMind MaGiC:

The secret weapon of wealth

what is Masterminding?

Masterminding is an effective tool used throughout the centuries to bring about
solutions to challenges and problems through goal achieving and creative brainstorming.
Masterminding is what happens when several people, in a spirit of harmony, tap
into a creative source far more than the collective power of the ones present. Masterminding
is the power of plugging into each other, then watching the collective units create many
more solutions than they ever could on their own.
If I work on a goal or challenge by myself, I have a certain degree of creative power
to solve what needs solving. If I then ask you to join me and apply your creative power to
bear on my goal or challenge then, we feel, there is more than just the power of the two
of us. Now, it’s like the Mastermind takes over. It’s no longer two, it’s more like the power
of eleven.
When you take a burning candle and touch the flame of another candle, the power
of the two together is so much brighter than each burning alone.
For example, let’s say someone is a fishing enthusiast. No, let’s say he’s a ‘fishing
nut.’ This guy fishes every weekend at sunrise. He has three tackle boxes, a great fishing
boat, and all the equipment one could imagine. He decides to turn his fishing hobby into
a small business. If he’s never done it before he wouldn’t necessarily know what to do, how
to do it or in many cases even where to begin. It is unlikely he would know how to market
their services, what tax breaks are available, how to get financing, etc.

The world of UnliMiTed PossibiliTies
Here is where the fisherman’s Mastermind group could really come in handy. He
asks his group to assist him by Masterminding one of several, well-thought-out objectives.
Since everyone in the Mastermind group is there to serve and give unconditionally to the
other people in the group, they willingly apply themselves to achieving his objectives.
The fisherman decides his objective is “to turn my fishing hobby into a profitable
business generating $600 profit per month within the next six months.” Having a clear
picture of what he wants, the Mastermind group then could provide him with marketing
knowledge and specific contacts for clients or suppliers or partners. They might come up
with a myriad of ideas the fisherman hasn’t even thought about. He probably never thought
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