The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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sTraTeGy 6-8:

everyone should provide leadership.

A Mastermind group without effective, trained, strong and caring leadership will
rarely last. Getting people to Mastermind effectively over a long time is not easy. People
come with their own ideas of what should happen and when and who should do it. Without
a trained leader to control and bring out the best in people, the group has little chance of
We are talking about people
helping people without looking for anything
in return, as well as no-limit thinking, tapping
into a Master Mind. It’s not a conventional
way of thinking. People will fall into old
patterns of greed, ego, looking out for No.
1, etc. If a leader can’t control the group,
can’t keep the discussions lively, keep them
on track and assist in following the process,
the whole group suffers.

Never allow one person to dominate or
control a Mastermind meeting.

sTraTeGy 6-9:

everything at your Mastermind meetings

should be goal and action oriented.

We have seen some Masterminding which could best be described as
“Mastersmooching.” It was a big “love in.” Everything under the sun was discussed. They
spoke of their commitment to each other. They contemplated the universe. They discussed
esoteric philosophies until the cows came home.
Masterminding without action and follow-up is useless and a terrible time-waster.
Leland Val Van de Wall says,

“You have learned nothing until you have a
permanent change in results.”

“Often enough, our

faith beforehand

in an uncertifiable

result is the only

thing that makes the

result come true.”
William James
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