The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1

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We emphasize acting on the ideas and contacts generated at your meetings within
48 hours. If you don’t follow up on the energy people give to you, why should they continue
to offer it? They shouldn’t!
I know of one person who has been asking their Mastermind group for assistance
with the same objective for several months. They never seem to be moving their MSI
forward. When will they?
If I give you one of my contacts who might be able to help you and you don’t
bother to call (let alone, call to thank me for the contact), what does that show me about
you, and about what you think about my advice and me? Everything about a Mastermind
session should move people into action toward their goals.

sTraTeGy 6-10:

Use the Mastermind worksheet.

We have developed what many consider to be the most effective tool ever
developed for the purpose of Masterminding. We call it the Mastermind Worksheet.
Our Masterminding session generally lasts between 15 and 20 minutes per person being
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