The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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time, is to ensure everyone at your table sees the same picture in their minds.
If the objective is not clear, the Masterminding will be undermined. For example,
if the objective is, ‘to earn $40,000.’ and the people in your group are unclear as to when
you want to earn it, you will have confusion rather that order. To create order, be specific.
If I am to apply my brain power to solving this $40,000 issue, I will think different thoughts
if you want to accomplish this in one month as opposed to one year.
Energy will be directed toward the
collective objective. If everyone is working
with different pictures in their minds, it will
lessen the energy. Write an objective in
clear, concise language, free from ambiguous
terminology. The goal of an objective is to
ensure everyone has the same idea of what
you would like masterminded.

‘I want to increase my income’ is not a clear objective. What is ‘increase?’ If
you increased it by $5, the objective would have been met. Instead, if you say you want
to “increase your income by an additional $3,000 per month, starting 90 days from
today,” everyone would know exactly what you wanted to do.

Many people take a paragraph to write an objective. They do this to familiarize
everyone with the scenario surrounding their goals. Giving people the details of your goals
is fine, but should not be part of the objective.

When would you like to achieve the objective? If you ask people to Mastermind
finding a business partner in one year as opposed to finding one by the weekend, their
thoughts will be focused in completely different directions.

Think big

Be sure to take the limit off your thinking. What do you want? Really want. Forget
about what you think you can have. What is it you really desire?

Think big!

“The way to get a

good idea is to get

a lot of ideas.”
Linus Pauling - Nobel Physicist
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