The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1

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People in your Mastermind group will never ridicule you for setting high goals.
People often play around with such small ideas, it is no wonder they are bored, depressed
and accomplish very little in life.

be specific
Avoid ambiguous terminology. Terms like ‘take off like a rocket’ or ‘proactive’
or ‘dynamic’ mean different things to different people. In your objective, be very specific
with your language. The idea is for everyone to see the same crystal-clear image in their

keep it short
Your objective should be written in one or two sentences.

sTraTeGy 6-13:

determine ‘what’ has to happen

for the objective to be met.

step 2: Create a needs list.

A needs list answers the question, “If the above objective is to be met, what needs
must be met?” In other words, the objective is what I ‘want’ and the needs list represents
what I ‘need’ to pull it off.
Let’s look at the following example. A person wants to turn their fishing hobby
into a profitable business.
The objective on the Mastermind worksheet represents what he wants. Now,
consider what he’ll need in order to accomplish this.

Here are some of the items which might go on his needs list:

Business Plan
A New Boat
Yellow Page Ad
Tax or Financial Planner
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