The Millionaire Mindset

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sTraTeGy 8-9:

keep on keeping on.

Mark #5: Tenacity

Te.nac.i.ty (te-nas-i-tee)n. holding or clinging firmly to something,
such as rights or principles.

The difference between high achievers and low achievers is often as small as the
degree to which they can persist at something.
Who are the most productive people you know? Would you say tenacity is one
of their characteristics? Do they hang in there just a little longer than everyone else? Do
they make a few more calls than anyone else?

People who Make a difference: k.C. see, Managing director, Quest
K.C. is one of the most persistent people I’ve ever met. He’s constantly talking to
me about The Long-Term. He and I became partners a few years ago and used to represent
my various interests and companies throughout Asia. He managed to do this, plus run his
own numerous companies, including a huge direct selling company, a magazine, and one
of the most successful training and consulting firms in Asia.
One thing you will notice if you ever have the pleasure of meeting K.C. is that
he just doesn’t give up. He can try something and if the results are not as he desires, K.C.
moves on. He never lets the past dictate his future.

beCoMe THe doMinanT ForCe

Here are 16 strategies for gaining a clear marketplace advantage.

sTraTeGy 8-10:

be driven.

Become marketing-driven, that is! It’s easy to become totally sales-driven, forgetting
to pay attention to customer concerns. Make sure it’s the customers who are running your
business. A marketing-driven person operates one way:
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