The Millionaire Mindset

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The Universal laws

There are some laws that are universal. They have been around forever. They work
whether you know them or not – whether you use them to your advantage or not. Laws
work all the time irrevocably for everybody, irrespective of anything. The force of gravity
exists between all objects. This is the universal law of gravitation. Therefore, if you step
off a building, no matter who you are, the force of gravity will pull you toward the ground.
The same holds true with the universal laws in this book. The laws affect every person in
the same way. It’s important to gain an understanding of these powerful tools which will
allow you to experience what you want out of life.

Choice, not chance, determines destiny.

The law of sowing and reaping

The law of sowing and reaping is the first of the universal laws. It is the law of
cause and effect. Whatever you sow and plant in the garden will produce a crop. For every
cause, there is a corresponding effect. Use this law to your advantage. You are going to
manage what you sow and you are going to manage what you reap. What you sow is a
cause, what you reap is an effect.

What is impressed upon the mind
must be expressed in the body.

If you sow poverty thoughts into your subconscious mind, guess what you are
going to receive? If you sow wealth-building thoughts and thoughts of prosperity, you will
produce whatever you plant in the treasury of your mind. Whatever you sow, you are going
to reap. You cannot plant one type of seed and produce a different type of harvest. That’s
a law. If you sow wheat, wheat is what you’ll get every single time. You are no different.
Your wonderful subconscious mind is exactly the same.

The law of Polarity

This universal law is powerful. I use it every day of my life. There are two sides
to everything in nature except gravity. Every circumstance in life has its opposite, every
situation can be seen two ways. If something is very bad then it holds the potential to be
very good. If a situation is terrible then it can also be fantastic from a different point of
view. If something is terrible, it has the ability to be fantastic on the other side. You can’t
have an inside without an outside. It can’t be a long way up and not be a long way down.
If you have an inside of a book then you must have an outside of the book. There are two
sides to absolutely everything. Why is it so many people only focus on one side?
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