The Millionaire Mindset

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You are free to choose whatever you want to concentrate on. Understand this:
if your situation is dire and bleak, or bad and sad, ugly and mean, it has the ability to be
absolutely fantastic. No matter where you are today, everything you encounter is affected
by the law of polarity that says there are two sides to this. Start training yourself to see
the good in everything. Start training yourself to see the opposite. There are two sides to
When Donald Trump was $981,671,000 in debt, (that’s almost a billion dollars
in the hole) do you think Donald ever worried that he wouldn’t bounce back? No. He
understood that if something is bad, then it holds the possibility to become very good. In
everything there are two sides, and I learned to think, train and discipline myself to see the
good in a situation because it is always there. The law of polarity is a powerful law.

The law of Germination

This law says whatever is planted requires some time before it comes to fruition.
Every idea, everything you plant, requires a certain action, a certain amount of time before
the outcome is realized. You need to sow your ideas, allow them to germinate, give them
lots of energy and then you will reap the rewards. Remember what Val Van de Wall says,

The only way something will grow is if it receives energy. You have to apply a
lot of energy, but be patient. You’ll get what you choose, but you must give it some time.
Sometimes people become impatient when they want to acquire higher incomes. If it doesn’t
happen for them in the first couple of days or couple of weeks, they give up. They quit.
They usually blame somebody like me who sold them an educational product and claim it
didn’t work. It didn’t work because they misunderstood the law of germination. You can’t
force things to happen. If you plant a carrot, it’s not going to do you any good to sit there
and, as the little shoot comes through the ground, try and yank it a little bit every day. That
isn’t going to make the carrot grow any faster. What you often have to do with some of
these ideas, especially these wealth-building ideas, is relax and let them take their course.
It will happen, it simply requires energy applied consistently over time. So keep giving it
energy and be patient. Remember, force negates. This is going to require some thinking
and some change and it is a process that will occur, but you have to understand the law of

energy flows
to where the
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