The Millionaire Mindset

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The law of Vibration

This is a powerful law. Everything on the planet vibrates. Thoughts are vibration.
This is as esoteric as I am going to get, but let’s face it: thoughts are things, and every thing
vibrates at a different frequency. Somebody who is earning $30,000 is thinking $30,000-
a-year thoughts, but the person who is earning $3 million a year is thinking three million
dollar thoughts. That is a fair conclusion, wouldn’t you agree?
What we have to do is raise our thinking to a higher level so we can “vibrate,” as
it were, on a much higher frequency. You need to think on a higher level so that you are
able to see and attract certain things into your life.
Let me illustrate the law of vibration. I have a friend whose brother-in-law sells
exotic cars. He called me up one day and said, “Gerry, you have to see this car. It’s so
Sure enough, it was fantastic. It was a gold-colored Mercedes-Benz. It was awesome.
I saw it and bought it right away. One of the main reasons I bought it was because I had
never seen a gold-colored Mercedes before. The beauty for me was that there were so few
of them around. I was impressed. He brought it over the next day. As I drove it home I
felt like a million bucks. But as I was driving home I saw ... SIX gold Mercedes-Benz cars.
I couldn’t believe it. I was ticked off because I had never seen one before... or had I?
You see, it’s what my mentor calls a cell of recognition. I never had a cell in my
brain called gold-colored Mercedes. I might have seen a thousand of them, but I had no
cell of recognition. There was no vibration within me called gold Mercedes until I bought
the car, and then I saw them everywhere. They were all over the place.
I started thinking that this is the same when it comes to earning money. If you are
not vibrating at high income levels, you’ll never see million-dollar ideas. If you are satisfied
with a little, then you’ll never see opportunities to earn more.
Change your vibration and you will change your results. Million-dollar ideas are in
resonance with million-dollar vibrations. If you want better results, change your vibration.
We attract those things with which we resonate, so change your resonance.
In a book called “Why Not Me?” * Paul Monaghan talks about buying a $1000
suit when he could barely afford it and how it made him feel like a million dollars. You want
to get yourself in a good vibration. Find the best restaurant and the best hotel in your city
and go there often. Get yourself into a million-dollar vibration and you will see; you will
start attracting and seeing million-dollar ideas all around you. Earning money is a game
if you know how to get yourself in the right vibration. I have had many challenges in my
life. There have been times when it looked like things were going to completely fall apart,
and at times they did. But you know what? I was never really worried because no matter
what was going on in the physical world I was always vibrating at a higher frequency on
the inside.
What you think about, you bring about.

* Paul and Dan Monaghan, Why Not Me?, (Prime Books, Inc., 1992), 67.
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