The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1

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Whatever is impressed must be expressed. Whatever you think, about you bring
about. Be careful what you think. Never think about what you don’t want. Don’t talk about
things you don’t want. Don’t entertain ideas you don’t want showing up on the canvass of
your life. Don’t sit around gossiping, whining, complaining and griping like other people.
If you don’t want it, don’t think about or talk about it. Put it out of your mind. You have
the ability to choose.

sTraTeGy 1-1:

Use the stick person concept.

what does your mind look like?

You were born with the most sophisticated
and complex instrument the planet has known – your
marvelous mind. Very few people have any concept
of what the mind actually is like, how to describe it,
or how to alter it forever. Sure, everyone says you
need to change your mind, but no one tells you what
it is, what it looks like and exactly how to change
We were not born with a manual on how
the mind works or how to maximize its use. Without
this information, thousands of people wander
through the deserted halls of dreams, always hoping,
but rarely achieving.
We believe we have discovered the best
concept in the world today to describe the mind,
how it works, and how to change it. The beauty of
this model is that it is not difficult to understand.
The Stickperson concept referred to earlier was developed in the 1930s by Dr.
Fleet, the founder of Concept Therapy. He came up with the idea that we have three levels
of existence: the Conscious Mind (Part 1), the Subconscious mind (Part 2), and the Body
(Part 3). As we tend to think in pictures, Fleet invented a picture of the mind.

Part 1-The Conscious Mind
This is the part of you that thinks. You have the ability to choose which thoughts
you will entertain. This is the place where ideas are formulated. You bring information into
this part of your mind, through your five senses.
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