The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1

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sTraTeGy 1-10:

remember there is something to learn

in every challenge.

Hang in There and learn

Challenges of life will come. The only place on earth where there are no problems
is a cemetery. Every place and every person will be hit by the storms of life. If you remember
there is something to learn in every problem then you can learn to grow from the storms
rather than being crushed by them.
W. Mitchell said, “It’s not what happens to us that counts, it’s what happens in
us.” He was right and he should know. Mitchell was a serious burn victim and then suffered
a plane crash, which left him paralyzed. He is an inspiration, someone who has sought to
become better through adversity. Mitchell is probably one of the most “up” people on the
planet, largely due to the lessons he learned about life and how to live it while recuperating
from his injuries.

“You’re less likely to lose too often than to quit too soon.” *
Dave Weinbaum

Take a good look at the obstacles in your path. Instead of cursing them and wishing
them away, ask yourself what you can learn from your situation. How can you become a
better person in spite of your personal obstacles? Someone once said that we experience
life as painful until we learn our lesson. Remember, above every stormy cloud is a bright
sun which never fades.

There is something to learn in every adverse situation!

sTraTeGy 1-11:

remember there are two sides

to every challenge.

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever
is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if
anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.
[Philippians 4:8]

* Forbes, October 12, 1998, 444
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