The Millionaire Mindset

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Hang in There and Find The Gem

There are two sides to every coin. The Chinese call this the Yin/Yang principle.
Every negative has a positive. You just have to look for it. One person’s disaster will become
the vehicle for another person to become wealthy. See your challenges in life as blessings
in disguise and try to uncover the hidden opportunities.
During the Great Depression not everyone went belly-up. Some people actually
became rich. When you see a problem you are looking at an opportunity. One of the fastest
ways to become wealthy is to solve other people’s problems or ease their difficulties.
Many successful businesses have been born out of someone’s problem. A man took
surplus sawdust from the lumber mills free of charge and formulated several wood-burning
products from it. He saw the lumber yards had a problem with excess sawdust. They didn’t
know what to do with it. He acted and began a wonderful business.

“If it’s going to be, it’s up to me.”

sTraTeGy 1-12:

remember, every challenge

goes away.

Hang in There and be Patient

Every problem will go away. Either it will change or you will. No problem is
permanent. It can’t be permanent because everything is in a constant state of flux; everything
changes. Worry is useless. Instead of being ready to give in, remember that every problem
has a limited life span. Things will get better. Seek to grow.

“Tough times never last, but tough people do.”
Robert Schuller

How about Communism? Or the Berlin Wall? Who could have guessed that the
entire Berlin Wall could be demolished in a few days or that Communism in Russia would
crumble in a few weeks?
Look at your problem and ask, “Will this matter five years from now – what
about next year?”
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