The Millionaire Mindset

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more time to generate income. Once these habits become a part of your lifestyle, you will
be on your way to financial freedom.
In our seminars, I have people write down the two habits that would help them
improve their financial lives. I have them fill in the form I’ve reproduced for you on the next
page. It’s a powerful tool that can help you finally do the things you know will help you. If
you e-mail me the commitment on the following page, I’ll help hold you accountable. *

suggested Money-Making Habits

  • Read a positive, personal development book for 30 minutes per day.

  • Plan the next day before you quit for today.

  • Listen to an instructional audio tape in your car.

  • Watch sixty fewer minutes of television.

  • Refuse to gossip. Speak positively of others.

  • Write a “Thank You” note to someone every day.

  • Save 10% of your income.

  • Refuse to buy anything on a credit card for which you cannot pay cash.

  • Create one MSI (Multiple Source of Income) per month.

  • Attend a Mastermind group once a week.

  • Work on your goals every day.

  • E-mail me your goals.

  • Take a successful person to lunch every month.

  • Find a mentor and do what he/she says.

  • Start a date night with your spouse.

  • Write one page per day of your novel.

  • Exercise to relieve stress.

  • Read a book about selling.

  • Start a networking meeting weekly.

  • Do something kind for someone every day.

  • Clean your desktop.

  • Smile.

* Gerry’s e-mail address is [email protected]
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