The Millionaire Mindset

(sharon) #1


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Unhealthy, Unhappy and broke people
hang around Unhealthy, Unhappy, broke people!

Let that be a lesson. Move out of your comfort zone. People are willing to help.
Let ‘em! Learn to magnetize yourself to W.B.A. (Wealth Building Associates)


  1. Identify what skills, talent, advice, resources and contacts you need.
    I remember when I first began in the speaking and training business. No one knew
    who Gerry Robert was, and I figured I needed to piggy back on the coat-tails of
    other, more established, speakers. I was invited to be a guest on Robert Schuller’s
    Hour of Power at the Crystal Cathedral in Garden Grove, CA. I knew I could
    capitalize on that to get me contacts. It sure did. I identified people who could
    help me, and then I contacted them to help. They did.

  2. Visualize them magnetized to you.
    Play mental movies about meeting the people you want to meet. Imagine what
    you will say to them. Imagine what you will talk about. See yourself having dinner
    with them.

  3. Generate a W.B.A. “HIT LIST”
    This is a list of people you want to meet in your lifetime. With whom would you
    like to become friends? With whom would you want to sit down and ask questions?
    Whom do you need to meet? Make a list on the next page of those people. In my
    first book I made a list of 101 people. I’ve already met 47 people from the list I

  4. Let everyone know you want to meet those people.
    Talk about your “Hit List” all the time. Post it on your website. Declare to the
    world you intend to get to know these people, and even ask the public for help.

My Top 10 Hit List. (You will help me meet these people, won’t you?)

  1. Oprah Winfrey

  2. Bill Gates

  3. James Taylor

  4. Tiger Woods

  5. Prince Charles

  6. Richard Branson

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