GG° nRTln
° RTln
The second equation shows that the chemical potential varies with the natural
logarithm of the pressure. A plot ofversus pwould have a general logarith-
mic form, as shown in Figure 4.4.
However, measurements on real gases show that the relationship between
and pisn’t so exact. At very, very low gas pressures, all gases approach ideal be-
havior. At moderate pressures, for a given chemical potential, the pressure is
lower than expected. This is because real gas molecules do attract each other
slightly, and the measured pressure is lower than ideal. At very high pressures,
for a given chemical potential the pressure is higher than expected, because the
gas molecules become so densely packed that they begin to repel each other.
The actual behavior of the chemical potential versus the real pressure of a gas
is shown in Figure 4.5.
For real gases, thermodynamics defines a scaled pressure called fugacity, f,as
fp (4.57)
where pis the pressure of the gas and is called the fugacity coefficient.The
fugacity coefficient is dimensionless, so fugacity has units of pressure. For real
gases, the fugacity is the proper description of how the gas behaves, and so the
equation in terms of the chemical potential is better written as
° RTln
As the pressure gets lower and lower, any real gas behaves more and more ide-
ally. In the limit of zero pressure, all gases act as ideal gases and their fugacity
coefficient equals 1. We write this as
limp→ 0 (f) p;limp→ 0 1
How do we determine the fugacity experimentally? We can start with the
fundamental thermodynamic equation given in equation 4.48:
dGS dT V dp (^)
For a single component (so that the summation is just one term) undergoing
an isothermal process, this becomes
dGV dp dn
Since dGis an exact differential (see section 4.5), we get the relation
/ p
V/ n. The second expression is the partial molar volume of the substance,V.
That is,
which leads to
For an ideal gas, this would be
4.9 Fugacity 111
Figure 4.4 An idea of what a plot of the chem-
ical potential versus pressure pshould look like
for an ideal gas.
Figure 4.5 For real gases, at high pressures the
chemical potential is higher than expected due to
intramolecular repulsions. At intermediate pres-
sures, the chemical potential is lower than ex-
pected due to intramolecular attractions. At very
low pressures, gases tend toward ideal behavior.