the volume were suddenly decreased to 0.500 L at the same temperature, ef-
fectively doubling the pressure. The equilibrium then shifts to relieve the
stress of the increased pressure. What are the new equilibrium partial pres-
sures? Are the new values consistent with Le Chatelier’s principle?
If the pressure is suddenly decreased to 0.500 L isothermally, then the partial
pressures of I 2 and I double to 0.470 and 1.030 atm, respectively. In response
to this stress, the equilibrium will shift to re-establish the proper value of the
equilibrium constant, which is 1.13. Our initial and equilibrium amounts are:
Pressure (atm) I 2 2 I
Initial 0.470 1.030
Equilibrium 0.470 x 1.030 2 x
Notice in this example that we are working directly with partial pressures.
We can substitute the equilibrium partial pressures into the equilibrium con-
stant expression:
2 /
)^2 (1
x)^2 1.13
Using the known value for the equilibrium constant, we can simplify the
fraction and multiply through. Simplifying, we get the quadratic equation
4 x^2 5.25x0.5298 0
which has two roots:x1.203 and x0.110. The first root is not physically
possible because then we would have a negative pressure for I. Thus,x0.110
is the only acceptable algebraic solution, and our final pressures are
pI1.030 2(0.110) 0.810 atm
pI 2 0.470 0.110 0.580 atm
You can verify that these values still give the correct equilibrium constant
value. Note that the partial pressure of I has gone down from its original, in-
stantaneously doubled pressure, and that the partial pressure of I 2 has gone
up—in accordance with Le Chatelier’s principle.
Finally, let us note that if an inert gas is added to a gas-phase equilibrium,
one of two things happens depending on the conditions. If the addition of in-
ert gas does notchange the partial pressures of the gas-phase species (say, the
total volume increases instead), the position of the equilibrium does not
change. However, if the inert gas pressure does change the partial pressures of
the gas-phase species, then the equilibrium position does change as illustrated
in Example 5.11.
5.6 Amino Acid Equilibria
As section 2.12 and Example 5.10 show, the principles of thermodynamics are
applicable even to the complex reactions that occur in living cells. The topic of
equilibrium is also applicable, even though living cells are not isolated or even
closed systems.
First, we should point out the seldom-recognized idea that most chemical
reactions in cells are not at chemical equilibrium. If an organism or cell were
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