Most physical chemistry texts follow a formula for covering the major top-
ics: 1/3 thermodynamics, 1/3 quantum mechanics, and 1/3 statistical thermo-
dynamics, kinetics, and various other topics. This text follows that general for-
mula. The section on thermodynamics starts with gases and ends in electro-
chemistry, which is a fairly standard range of topics. The eight-chapter section
on quantum mechanics and its applications to atoms and molecules starts on a
more historical note. In my experience, students have little or no idea of why
quantum mechanics was developed, and consequently they never recognize its
importance, conclusions, or even its necessity. Therefore, Chapter 9 focuses on
pre-quantum mechanics so students can develop an understanding of the state
of classical science and how it could not explain the universe. This leads into an
introduction to quantum mechanics and how it provides a useful model.
Several chapters of symmetry and spectroscopy follow. In the last six chapters,
this text covers statistical thermodynamics (intentionally not integrated with
phenomenological thermodynamics), kinetic theory, kinetics, crystals, and sur-
faces. The text does not have separate chapters on photochemistry, liquids,
molecular beams, thermal physics, polymers, and so on (although these topics
may be mentioned throughout the text). This is not because I find these topics
unimportant; I simply do not think that they must be included in an under-
graduate physical chemistry textbook.
Each chapter opens with a synopsis of what the chapter will cover. In other
texts, the student reads along blindly, not knowing where all the derivations and
equations are leading. Indeed, other texts have a summary at the end of the
chapters. In this text, a summary is given at the beginning of the chapter so the
students can see where they are going and why. Numerous examples are
sprinkled throughout all of the chapters, and there is an emphasis on the units
in a problem, which are just as important as the numbers.
Exercises at the end of each chapter are separated by section so the student
can better coordinate the chapter material with the problem. There are over
1000 end-of-chapter exercises to give students an opportunity to practice the
concepts from the text. Although some mathematical derivations are included
in the exercises, the emphasis is on exercises that make the students usethe con-
cepts, rather than just derive them. This, too, has been intentional on my part.
Many answers to the exercises are included in an answer section at the back of
the book. There are also end-of-chapter exercises that require symbolic mathe-
matics software like MathCad or Maple (or even a high-level calculator), to
practice some manipulations of the concepts. Only a few per chapter, they
require more advanced skills and can be used as group assignments.
For a school on the quarter system, the material in physical chemistry almost
naturally separates itself into three sections: thermodynamics (Chapters 1–8),
quantum mechanics (Chapters 9–16), and other topics (Chapters 17–22). For
a school on the semester system, instructors might want to consider pairing the
thermodynamics chapters with the later chapters on kinetic theory (Chapter
19) and kinetics (Chapter 20) in the first term, and including Chapters 17 and
18 (statistical thermodynamics) and Chapters 21 and 22 (crystalline solids and
surfaces) with the quantum mechanics chapters in the second term.
Professors: For a year-long sequence, you should be able to cover the entire
book (and feel free to supplement with special topics as you see fit).
Students: For a year-long sequence, you should be able to read the entire
book. You, too, can do it.
If you want an encyclopedia of physical chemistry, this is not the book for
you. Other well-known books will serve that need. My hope is that students and
teachers alike will appreciate this as a textbookof physical chemistry.