Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
need additional tools to determine the electromotive force at nonstandard
Many complex biochemical reactions are electron-transfer processes, and as
such have a standard reduction potential. For example, nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide (NAD^ ) accepts a proton and two electrons to become NADH:
NAD^ H^ 2e^ →NADH E°
0.105 V
under standard conditions. The potentials for one-electron reductions of iron
in myoglobin (E 0.046 V) and cytochrome c(E0.254 V) listed here
are for biochemicalstandard states (that is, pH 7; 37°C). Thus, when con-
sidering biochemical processes, it is crucial to understand what the conditions
are for the reactions of interest.

8.5 Nonstandard Potentials and Equilibrium Constants

Example 8.3 assumed that the conditions of the reaction were standard ther-
modynamic conditions. However, in reality this is almost never the case.
Reactions occur in highly variable conditions of temperature, concentration,
and pressure. (Indeed, many electrochemically based reactions occur at tiny
concentrations of ions. Consider the rusting of your car.)
Standard and nonstandard E’s for electrochemical reactions follow the same
rules as energies: if it is a standard E, then the symbol Ehas the ° on it.
However, if the Eis simply some instantaneous electromotive force for any im-
mediate set of conditions, then the ° sign is left off:E.
The most well-known relationship between Eand E° is the Nernst equation,
derived by the German chemist Walther Hermann Nernst (Figure 8.6) in 1889.
(Among other achievements, Nernst was the principal enunciator of the third
law of thermodynamics, was the first to explain explosions in terms of branch-
ing chain reactions, and invented the Nernst glower, a useful source of infrared
radiation. He received the 1920 Nobel Prize in Chemistry for his contributions
in thermodynamics.) Having recognized the validity of the following two
GG° RTln Q
(these are equations 8.20 and 5.7, respectively), one can combine them to yield
nFE° RTln Q
Solving for E, the nonstandard electromotive force:





ln Q (8.25)

which is the Nernst equation. Recall that Qis the reaction quotient, which is
expressed in terms of the instantaneous (nonequilibrium) concentrations,
pressures, activities, or fugacities of reactants and products.

Example 8.4
Given the nonstandard concentrations for the following reaction, calculate
the instantaneous Eof the Daniell cell.
Zn Cu^2 (0.0333 M) →Zn^2 (0.00444 M) Cu

218 CHAPTER 8 Electrochemistry and Ionic Solutions

Figure 8.6 Walther Hermann von Nernst
(1864–1941), a German chemist who first formu-
lated an equation relating the potential of an elec-
trochemical reaction to the instantaneous condi-
tions of the products and reactants. His Nobel
Prize, however, was awarded in honor of his
pioneering work to establish the third law of

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