its component colors and pass this colored light through a chemical sample.
The sample absorbed some wavelengths of light, not others, resulting in a dark
line superimposed on a continuous spectrum of colors. Heated samples that
gave off light would have this light analyzed through the spectroscope, show-
ing only lines of light that appeared in the same relative positions as the dark
lines. Bunsen and Kirchhoff eventually noticed that each element absorbed or
emitted only characteristic wavelengths of light, and proposed that this might
be a technique to identify the chemical elements. Figure 9.5 shows several char-
acteristic spectra of some vapors of elements. Note that they are all different.
In 1860, the proposal was put to the test by an analysis of a mineral whose
spectrum showed new lines never before measured. Bunsen and Kirchhoff an-
nounced that the novel spectrum must be due to an undiscovered element. In
this way, the element cesium was discovered, and its discovery was eventually
confirmed by chemical analysis. In less than a year, rubidium was also discov-
ered the same way.
Each element, then, had its characteristic spectrum, whether absorption (if
light was passed through a gaseous sample of the element) or emission (if the
9.4 Atomic Spectra 249
Figure 9.4 An example of an early spectroscope, like that invented by Bunsen and Kirchhoff.
The two discovered several elements (cesium and rubidium among them) by detecting their char-
acteristic light with a spectroscope. A. Spectrometer box. B. Input optics. C. Observing optics.
D. Excitation source (Bunsen burner). E. Sample holder. F. Prism. G. Armature to rotate prism.
Figure 9.5 Line spectra of several elements. Note the relatively simple spectra for H and He.
Hydrogen (H)
400Å 700Å
Helium (He)
Zinc (Zn)
Mercury (Hg)
500Å 600Å