where the value of this constant is approximately 2898 mK; the wave-
length is in units of micrometers. This equation, enunciated by Wien in
1894, is known as the Wien displacement law. (This relationship is still
used today to estimate the temperature of hot bodies, using an optical
device called a pyrometer to determine intensities of light given off at
certain wavelengths of light.)
Example 9.3
a.What is the total power per unit area emitted by a blackbody at a temper-
ature of 1250 K?
b.If the area of the blackbody is 1.00 cm^2 (0.000100 m^2 ), what is the total
power emitted?
a.Using equation 9.18 and the value of the Stefan-Boltzmann constant from
above, one finds
total power per unit area (5.6705
10 ^8 W/m^2 K^4 )(1250 K)^4
The K^4 units cancel to yield
total power per unit area 1.38
105 W/m^2
b.Since the total power per unit area is 1.38
105 W/m^2 , for an area of
0.0001 m^2 the power emitted is
power (1.38
105 W/m^2 )(0.0001 m^2 )
power 13.8 W 13.8 J/s
The definition of the unit “watt” has been used for the final equality to show
that 13.8 joules of energy are emitted per second.
9.7 The Nature of Light 255
Wavelength (m)
1500 K
1000 K
2000 K
1.5 104
Energy density
1 104
200 400 600 800
Figure 9.12 The experimentally determined behavior of blackbodies. This plot shows the in-
tensity of light at different wavelengths for different temperatures of the blackbody. Explaining
these curves theoretically was a major problem for classical mechanics.