that has units of action can be related to h, and Bohr did just that. He assumed
that the possible quantized values of the angular momentum were some mul-
tiples ofh:
h (9.33)
where his Planck’s constant and nis some integer (1, 2, 3,.. .) indicating that
the angular momentum is some integral multiple of Planck’s constant. The
value ofn0 is not allowed, because then the electron would have no mo-
mentum and wouldn’t be orbiting the nucleus. The 2in the denominator of
equation 9.33 accounts for the fact of a complete circle having 2radians, and
Bohr assumed that the orbits of the electron were circular.
Equation 9.33 can be rewritten as
and we can substitute for velocity in equation 9.30, which is derived from
Bohr’s first assumption about forces. Performing this substitution and rear-
ranging the expression to solve for the radius r,we get
where all variables are as defined above. It is easy to show that this expression
has units of length. Note that this equation implies that the radius of the or-
bit of an electron in the hydrogen atom will be a value determined by a col-
lection of constants: 0 ,h,,me,e, and the integer n. The only variable that
can change is n, but it is restricted by Bohr’s assumption 3 to be a positive in-
teger. Therefore the radius of the electron orbits in the hydrogen atom can only
have certain values, determined solely by n. The radius of the orbits of the elec-
tron is quantized. The integer denoted as nis termed a quantum number.A di-
agram of Bohr’s hydrogen atom having specific radii for the electron orbits is
shown in Figure 9.19.
Before leaving discussion of the radius, there are two other points to con-
sider. Note that the expression for rdepends on Planck’s constant h. If Planck
and others had not developed a quantum theory of light, the very concept of
hwould not exist, and Bohr would not have been able to rationalize his as-
sumptions. A quantum theory of light was a necessary precursor to a quantum
theory of matter—or at least, a theory of hydrogen. Second, the smallest value
ofrcorresponds to a value of 1 for the quantum number n. Substituting val-
ues for all of the other constants, whose values were known in Bohr’s time, one
finds that for n1:
10 ^11 m 0.529 Å
This distance ends up being an important yardstick for atomic distances and
is called the first Bohr radius. This meant, by the way, that the hydrogen atom
was about 1 Å in diameter. At that time, science (including theoretical work by
Einstein on Brownian motion) was just beginning to estimate the size of atoms.
This predicted radius fell exactly where it should be from experimental
The total energy of a system is of paramount interest, and by using the ex-
pression for the quantized radius for the electron in a hydrogen atom, one can
264 CHAPTER 9 Pre-Quantum Mechanics