has a known solution. It is
sin^2 xdx
sin 2 xba
where we have substituted into the general form of the integral for the con-
stants in this particular example (you should verify this substitution yourself ).
a.Evaluating for the region x0 to 0.5:
P2[0.25 0 (0 0)]
which as a percentage is 50%. This should, perhaps, be expected: in one-half
of the region of interest, the probability of the electron being there is one half,
or 50%.
b.For x0.25 to 0.75:
P (^2) 0.375
(1) 0.125
which means that the probability of finding the electron in the middle half
of this region is 81.8%—much greater than half! This result is a consequence
of the wavefunction being a sine function. It also illustrates some of the more
unusual predictions of quantum mechanics.
The Born interpretation makes obvious the necessity of wavefunctions be-
ing bounded and single-valued. If a wavefunction is not bounded, it approaches
infinity. Then the integral over that space, the probability, is infinite.
Probabilities cannot be infinite. Since probability of existence represents a
physical observable, it must have a specific value; therefore,’s (and their
squares) must be single-valued.
Because the wavefunction in this last example does not depend on time, its
probability distribution also does not depend on time. This is the definition of
a stationary state: a state whose probability distribution, related to (x)^2 by
the Born interpretation, does not vary with time.
10.6 Normalization
The Born interpretation suggests that there should be another requirement for
acceptable wavefunctions. If the probability for a particle having wavefunction
were evaluated over the entire space in which the particle exists, then the
probability should be equal to 1, or 100%. In order for this to be the case,
wavefunctions are expected to be normalized.In mathematical terms, a wave-
function is normalized if and only if
*d 1 (10.8)
The limits and are conventionally used to represent “all space,” al-
though the entire space of a system may not actually extend to infinity in both
directions. The integral’s limits would be modified to represent the limits of
10.6 Normalization 283