Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
specific formula from classical mechanics. In terms of linear momentum px,
kinetic energy is given by





Schrödinger, however, thought in terms of operators acting on wavefunctions,
and so he rewrote the Hamiltonian function in terms of operators. Using the
definition of the momentum operator,


and supposing that the potential energy is a function ofposition(that is, a
function ofx) and so can be written in terms of the position operator,
Schrödinger substituted into the expression for the total energy to derive an
operator for energy named (for obvious reasons) the Hamiltonian operator Hˆ:





2 Vˆ(x) (10.9)

This operator Hˆoperates on a wavefunction and the eigenvalue corre-
sponds to the total energy of the system E:





2 Vˆ(x)E (10.10)

Equation 10.10 is known as the Schrödinger equationand is a very impor-
tant equation in quantum mechanics. Although we have placed certain re-
strictions on wavefunctions (continuous, single-valued, and so on), up to now
there has been no requirement that an acceptable wavefunction satisfy any par-
ticulareigenvalue equation. However, ifis a stationary state (that is, if its
probability distribution does not depend on time), it should also satisfy the
Schrödinger equation. Also note that equation 10.10 does not include the vari-
able for time. Because of this, equation 10.10 is more specifically referred to as
the time-independent Schrödinger equation.(The time-dependentSchrödinger
equation will be discussed near the end of the chapter and represents another
postulate of quantum mechanics.)
Although the Schrödinger equation may be difficult to accept at first, it
works: when applied to ideal and even real systems, it yields the values for the
energies of the systems. For example, it correctly predicts changes in energy of
the hydrogen atom, which is a system that had been studied for decades before
Schrödinger’s work. Quantum mechanics, however, uses a new mathematical
tool—the Schrödinger equation—for predicting observable atomic phenom-
ena. Because the values of atomic and molecular observables are properly pre-
dicted by using the Schrödinger equation and wavefunctions, they are consid-
ered the proper way of thinking about atomic phenomena. The behavior of
electrons is described by a wavefunction. The wavefunction is used to deter-
mine all properties of the electrons. Values of these properties can be predicted
by operating on the wavefunction with the appropriate operator. The appro-
priate operator for predicting the energy of the electron is the Hamiltonian op-
To see how the Schrödinger equation works, the following example illus-
trates how the Hamiltonian operates on a wavefunction.

286 CHAPTER 10 Introduction to Quantum Mechanics

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