Because of the various algebraic relationships between the virial coefficients
in equations 1.17 and 1.18, typically only one set of coefficients is tabulated
and the other can be derived. Again,B(or B ) is the most important virial co-
efficient, since its term makes the largest correction to the compressibility,Z.
Virial coefficients vary with temperature, as Table 1.4 illustrates. As such,
there should be some temperature at which the virial coefficient Bgoes to zero.
This is called the Boyle temperature, TB, of the gas. At that temperature, the
compressibility is
where the additional terms will be neglected. This means that
and the real gas is acting like an ideal gas. Table 1.5 lists Boyle temperatures of
some real gases. The existence of Boyle temperature allows us to use real gases
to study the properties of ideal gases—if the gas is at the right temperature,
and successive terms in the virial equation are negligible.
One model of ideal gases is that (a) they are composed of particles so tiny
compared to the volume of the gas that they can be considered zero-volume
points in space, and (b) there are no interactions, attractive or repulsive, be-
tween the individual gas particles. However, real gases ultimately have behav-
iors due to the facts that (a) gas atoms and molecules dohave a size, and (b)
there is some interaction between the gas particles, which can range from min-
imal to very large. In considering the state variables of a gas, the volume of the
gas particles should have an effect on the volume Vof the gas. The interactions
between gas particles would have an effect on the pressure pof the gas. Perhaps
a better equation of state for a gas should take these effects into account.
In 1873, the Dutch physicist Johannes van der Waals (Figure 1.9) suggested
a somewhat corrected version of the ideal gas law. It is one of the simpler equa-
tions of state for real gases, and is referred to as the van der Waals equation:
(Vnb) nRT (1.20)
where nis the number of moles of gas, and aand bare the van der Waals con-
stantsfor a particular gas. The van der Waals constant arepresents the pressure
1.6 Nonideal Gases 13
Table 1.4 The second virial coefficient
B(cm^3 /mol) at various
Temperature (K) He Ne Ar
20 3.34 — —
50 7.4 35.4 —
100 11.7 6.0 183.5
150 12.2 3.2 86.2
200 12.3 7.6 47.4
300 12.0 11.3 15.5
400 11.5 12.8 1.0
600 10.7 13.8 12.0
Source:J. S. Winn,Physical Chemistry,HarperCollins, New
York, 1994
Table 1.5 Boyle temperatures for
various gases
Gas TB(K)
H 2 110
He 25
Ne 127
Ar 410
N 2 327
O 2 405
CO 2 713
CH 4 509
Source:J. S. Winn,Physical Chemistry,Harper
Collins, New York, 1994
Figure 1.9 Johannes van der Waals (1837–1923),
Dutch physicist who proposed a new equation
of state for gases. He won a 1910 Nobel Prize for
his work.
Photo by Gen. Stab. Lit. Anst, courtesy AIP Emilio Segre Visual Archives, W. F. MeggersGallery of Nobel Laureates and Weber Collection