Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
Example 11.9
The hydrogen molecule vibrates at a frequency of about 1.32
1014 Hz.
Calculate the following:
a.The force constant of the H–H bond
b.The change in energy that accompanies a transition from the n1 to
n2 vibrational level, assuming that the hydrogen molecule is acting as an
ideal harmonic oscillator

a.The mass of a single hydrogen atom, in kilograms, is 1.674
10 ^27 kg.
Therefore, the reduced mass of a hydrogen molecule is

10 ^28 kg

Using the rearranged equation 11.5 in terms ofkand remembering to use the
reduced mass in place of the mass, we find
k 4 ^2 (1.32
1014 s^1 )^2 (8.370
10 ^28 kg)
k575 kg/s^2
which, as explained earlier, is equal to 575 N/m or 5.75 mdyn/Å.
b.According to equation 11.16, the energy of a harmonic oscillator is
E(n^12 )h
For n1 and 2, the energies are
E(n1) (1 ^12 )(6.626
10 ^34 J s)(1.32
1014 s^1 ) 1.31
10 ^19 J
E(n2) (2 ^12 )(6.626
10 ^34 J s)(1.32
1014 s^1 ) 2.19
10 ^19 J
The difference in energy is 2.19
10 ^19 J minus 1.31^10 ^19 J, or
10 ^20 J.

Example 11.10
The HF molecule has a harmonic vibrational frequency of 1.241
1014 Hz.
a.Determine its force constant using the reduced mass of HF.
b.Assume that the F atom doesn’t move and that the vibration is due solely
to the motion of the H atom. Using the mass of the H atom and the force
constant just calculated, what is the expected frequency of the atom?
Comment on the difference.

a.Using the masses of H and F as 1.674
10 ^27 kg and 3.154
10 ^26 kg
respectively, the reduced mass can be calculated as

10 ^27 kg

Substituting into the same expression as in the previous example, we find
for k:
k 4 ^2 (1.241
1014 s^1 )^2 (1.590
10 ^27 kg) 966.7 kg/s^2

10 ^27 kg)(3.154
10 ^26 kg)

10 ^27 kg 3.154
10 ^26 kg

10 ^27 kg)(1.674
10 ^27 kg)

10 ^27 kg 1.674
10 ^27 kg

332 CHAPTER 11 Quantum Mechanics: Model Systems and the Hydrogen Atom

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