Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1



understanding some simple systems, up to and including the hydro-
gen atom itself. An understanding of the H atom is a crucial point because it
is real,not a model system. Quantum mechanics showed that it can describe
the hydrogen atom like Bohr’s theory did. It also describes other model sys-
tems that have applications in the real world. (Recall that all of the model
systems—particle-in-a-box, 2-D and 3-D rigid rotors, harmonic oscillators—
could be appliedto real systems even if the real systems themselves weren’t
exactly ideal.) As such, quantum mechanics is more applicable than Bohr’s
theory and can be considered “better.” We will conclude our development of
quantum mechanics by seeing how it applies to more complicated systems:
other atoms and even molecules. What we will find is that explicit, analytic
solutions to these systems are not possible, but quantum mechanics does
supply the tools for understanding these systems nonetheless.

12.1 Synopsis

In this chapter, we will consider one more property of the electron, which is
called spin. Spin has dramatic consequences for the structure of matter, con-
sequences that could not have been considered by the standards of classical
mechanics. We will see that an exact, analytic solution for an atom as simple
as helium is not possible, and so the Schrödinger equation cannot be solved
analytically for larger atoms or molecules. But there are two tools for studying
larger systems to any degree of accuracy: perturbation theory and variational
theory. Each tool has its advantages, and both of them are used today to study
atoms and molecules and their reactions.
Finally, we will consider in a simple way how quantum mechanics con-
siders a molecular system. Molecules can get very complicated. However, we
canapply quantum mechanics to molecules. We will finish this chapter with
an introduction to molecular orbitals and how they are defined for a very
simple molecule, H 2 . Simple as this system is, it paves the way for other


12.1 Synopsis

12.2 Spin

12.3 The Helium Atom

12.4 Spin Orbitals and the
Pauli Principle

12.5 Other Atoms and the
Aufbau Principle

12.6 Perturbation Theory

12.7 Variation Theory

12.8 Linear Variation Theory

12.9 Comparison of Variation and
Perturbation Theories

12.10 Simple Molecules and the

12.11 Introduction to LCAO-MO

12.12 Properties of Molecular

12.13 Molecular Orbitals of Other
Diatomic Molecules

12.14 Summary

Atoms and Molecules

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