the order in which orbitals are filled by electrons. Perhaps the most common
is shown in Figure 12.6. This ordering of orbitals, and the idea that each sub-
shell is completely filled before electrons occupy the next orbital, is strictly ap-
plicable to the electron configurations of 85 of the first 103 elements. (There
is little or no experimental verification of the electron configurations of ele-
ments 104 or larger to date.) Figure 12.7 shows the relationship between the
aufbau principle and the structure of the periodic table. Table 12.1 lists the
electron configurations of the elements in their lowest electronic states.
12.6 Perturbation Theory
In a previous section, we presumed that the wavefunctions of multielectron
atoms can be approximated as products of hydrogen-like orbitals:
Z H,1H,2H,3H,Z (12.13)
where Zis the wavefunction for an atom having a nuclear charge ofZand
H,1,....H,Zare the hydrogen-like wavefunctions for each of the Zelec-
trons. Generally speaking, this is a very useful qualitativedescription of the
electrons in larger atoms. However, we did see that in the case of He, it is not
a good system for making a quantitativeprediction of the total electronic en-
ergy of the system. As noted, there is no known exact solution to the differen-
tial equation that is the Schrödinger equation for the helium atom; it has no
analyticsolution. There is no known simple (or complicated, for that matter!)
expression for that we can substitute into the Schrödinger equation as given
in equation 12.5 and have it satisfied so that an eigenvalue Eis produced.
386 CHAPTER 12 Atoms and Molecules
7 s 7 p
6 s 6 p 6 d 6 f 6 g
5 s 5 p 5 d 5 f 5 g
4 s 4 p 4 d 4 f
3 s 3 p 3 d
2 s 2 p
1 s
and so on
6 d
5 d
4 d
5 f
4 f
3 d
7 s
6 s
5 s
4 s
3 s
2 s
7 p
6 p
5 p
4 p
3 p
2 p
1 s
Figure 12.6 A convenient way to
remember the order of filling of the
subshells in most atoms (1–85).
Simply follow the order of subshells
crossed by the arrows.
Figure 12.7 The aufbau principle rationalizes
the structure of the periodic table. Compare the
order of filling of the subshells in Figure 12.6 with
the labels in the periodic table here. (Note where
the 4fand 5fsubshells are filled.)