Physical Chemistry , 1st ed.

(Darren Dugan) #1
rectangle is lying in. In real objects, planes that contain the principal axis are
considered vertical planesof symmetry and are given the symbol v. Planes of
symmetry that are perpendicular to the principal axis are called horizontal
planesand are symbolized h. If a vertical plane lies exactly in the middle be-
tween two C 2 axes that are perpendicular to the principal axis, it is called a di-
hedral planeand is given the symbol d. (The presence of dihedral planes im-
plies a “higher” symmetry than regular vertical planes.) Figure 13.6b shows
some of the different types of planes in the benzene molecule; not all of the
planes of symmetry are shown, for the sake of clarity. In order to standardize
the labeling of multiple symmetry elements of the same kind in highly sym-
metric systems, different axes and planes are sometimes differentiated with sin-
gle and multiple primes.
It is easy to think of symmetry operations as spatial motions of objects that
reproduce the original object. However, symmetry operations can be defined
mathematically. Consider the point (3, 4) in 2-D Cartesian coordinates shown
in Figure 13.7. Reflection through the y-axis moves this point to (3, 4). The
xcoordinate has changed sign, as shown in Figure 13.7. Although we can con-
clude that reflection through the y-axis, labeled y, acts to change the sign of
the xcoordinate, we need a more general mathematical definition ofy.Matrix
algebra is useful for this. A simple diagonal matrix is used to define the sym-
metry operation so that the multiplication of the symmetry operation and the
original coordinates generates the new coordinates. In this case, we would have

where the coordinates are written in columns (“column matrices” or “column
vectors”). Standard matrix multiplication generates the new coordinates. This
implies that the particular symmetry operation yis defined as

y (13.1)

and that this symmetry operation is operating on the original coordinates to
generate new coordinates. That is, symmetry operations act as mathematical
operators.In general, the performance of any symmetry operation on a point
can be represented as the matrix multiplication of the symmetry operation
(written in square-matrix form) on that point (written in column vector
This example considers a single point on a graph. Now consider our rec-
tangle, superimposed about the origin in two-dimensional Cartesian space.
Operate on every pointof the rectangle with yand consider the new shape. It
is the same as the original shape, as shown in Figure 13.8. Therefore we can say
that the rectangle has the symmetry element y, whose operation is defined by
the above two-dimensional expression.
For real systems, three-dimensional space is considered. All symmetry op-
erations can be defined by a specific 3 3 matrix. As such, all symmetry op-
erations can act as operators on a set of points to generate a new set of points.
If the new set of points is in exactly the same position as the original, then that
set of points is said to contain the corresponding symmetry element. Table 13.1
lists the matrices that define the symmetry operations. In molecules, the atomic
positions will represent our points in three-dimensional space. Instead of us-
ing a 3 3 matrix to describe the symmetry operation, each atom will require
a 3 3 “block” of a larger matrix to describe its change in position in space













422 CHAPTER 13 Introduction to Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics

C 6

C 2

C 2

C 6









[ 1

[] 4

4 ]][
Figure 13.7 Symmetry operations can also be
defined mathematically. Here, the reflection of the
point (3, 4) through the y-axis is equivalent to
the product of two matrices, one representing
the point and one representing the symmetry

Figure 13.6 (a) The benzene molecule has one
sixfold principal axis of symmetry,C 6. It also has
several C 2 axes of symmetry perpendicular to the
principal axis, in the plane of the molecule. Only
two are shown. Can you find all of the other axes
of symmetry? (b) Reflection planes are vertical
planes if they contain the principal axis of sym-
metry, and horizontalplanes if they are perpen-
dicular to the principal axis. There are also dihe-
dralplanes, which are vertical planes that bisect
two intersecting C 2 axes of symmetry. In the ben-
zene molecule, the vertical planes are actually di-
hedral planes.
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