Because wavefunctions for molecules must have the same symmetry as the
molecule, one must identify the molecule’s symmetries. Figure 13.14 can be
used to determine the following point groups of the molecules and, therefore,
their wavefunctions.
a.H 2 O:C2v
b.C 6 H 6 :D6h
d.CHBrClF:C 1
We will return to the application of symmetry to wavefunctions in a later
section. Symmetry in molecules has several immediate consequences. For ex-
ample, the dipole moment of a molecule depends in part on how the atoms in
the molecule are arranged. It can be shown that any molecule whose structure
has a point group symmetry ofCs,Cn,or Cnv, with n 1, is polar, and mol-
ecules that do not have such symmetry are nonpolar. Further, it can also be
shown that any molecule maybe chiral if it does notcontain an Sn(n1)
symmetry element. However, chirality is not guaranteed if the molecule does
not possess an improper axis of symmetry (for example, H 2 O does not have
an improper rotation axis but is not chiral). Chirality is an important issue in
organic chemistry and is the basis of stereochemistry.
13.5 Character Tables
Now that the importance of symmetry in wavefunctions has been established,
some of the utility of symmetry can be introduced. A water molecule, H 2 O, is
in the position indicated by Figure 13.17. H 2 O has all of the symmetry ele-
ments described by the C2vpoint group, so it has E,C 2 , and two v’s, which
we will designate (xz) and (yz). Remembering from above that each sym-
metry operation can be defined as a matrix, we can construct matrices to de-
fine the symmetry operations for H 2 O. However,each atomin the molecule has
430 CHAPTER 13 Introduction to Symmetry in Quantum Mechanics
C 2
Figure 13.17 The H 2 O molecule, the Cartesian degrees of freedom of the atoms, and the sym-
metry operations of the C2vpoint group.