Example 2.7
A 1.00-L sample of gas at 1.00 atm pressure and 298 K expands isothermally
and reversibly to 10.0 L. It is then heated to 500 K, compressed to 1.00 L, and
then cooled to 25°C. What is Ufor the overall process?
U0 for the overall process. Remember that a state function is a variable
whose value depends on the instantaneous conditions of the system. Since
the initial and final conditions of the system are the same, the system has the
same absolute value of internal energy (whatever it might be), so that the
overall change in the internal energy is zero.
2.5 Enthalpy
Although the internal energy represents the total energy of a system, and the
first law of thermodynamics is based on the concept of internal energy, it is not
always the best variable to work with. Equation 2.15 shows that the change in
the internal energy is exactly equal to q—if the volume of the system remains
constant for a particular process. However, the experimental condition of con-
stant volume can be difficult to guarantee for many processes. Constant pres-
sure, considering that many experiments occur exposed to the atmosphere, is
often an easier experimental parameter.
Enthalpyis given the symbol H. The fundamental definition of enthalpy is
HU+ pV (2.16)
The pressure in equation 2.16 is the pressure of the system,pint. Enthalpy is
also a state function. Like internal energy, the absolute value of the enthalpy is
unknowable, but we can determine changesin the enthalpy,dH:
dHdU+ d(pV) (2.17)
The integrated form of this equation is
HU+ (pV) (2.18)
Using the chain rule of calculus, we can rewrite equation 2.17 as
dHdU+ p dV+ V dp
For a constant pressure process (which is more common in laboratory exper-
iments), the Vdpterm is zero because dpis zero. Using the original definition
ofdU, the equation becomes
dHdq+ dw+ p dV
dHdqp dV+ p dV
dHdq (2.19)
In terms of overall changes to a system, equation 2.19 can be integrated to get
Since the process occurs at constant pressure, the last equation is written like
equation 2.15 as
Hqp (2.20)
36 CHAPTER 2 The First Law of Thermodynamics