the American physicist Edward U. Condon. Franck shared a 1925 Nobel Prize
for his work on the interactions between electrons and atoms. Among other
things, Condon worked on the Manhattan Project to develop the nuclear
bomb.) The law of conservation of momentum can be used to justify the
Franck-Condon principle. Since momentum equals mv, the velocity of the
atoms must be very close in both states in order for a transition to occur (since
masses of the atoms are constant). Molecules whose atoms are moving very
quickly will experience transitions to (vibrational) states in which the atoms
are also moving quickly. Molecules whose atoms are almost at rest (like at the
turning point of a vibration) will experience transitions to higher vibrational
states in which atoms in the excited state are also almost at rest.
A second consideration in electronic spectra is the recognition that elec-
tronic states, usually separated by a relatively large amount of energy, have
within each of them a vibrational manifold of states. High-resolution elec-
tronic spectra such as the one shown in Figure 15.13 reveal a set of lines su-
perimposed on the transition. These lines represent different initial and final
vibrationalstates of the molecules within the initial and final electronic states.
Such transitions are referred to as vibrational-electronic, or vibronic,transi-
tions. In vibronic spectra, the selection rules for the electronic transition are
given in equations 15.18 to 15.22 (for diatomic molecules). However, there are
no specific selection rules for what vibrational states can participate in the
vibronic transition. This is because the vibrational selection rule, v1, is
applicable only for harmonic-oscillator vibrations within a singleelectronic
state. It is not applicable to vibrational wavefunctions from differing electronic
states.Anyvibrational transitions can participate in a combined vibrational-
electronic transition.
However, not all of them will, and it is the Franck-Condon principle that
justifies the participation of various vibrational levels in a vibronic spectrum.
The Franck-Condon principle requires that an electronic transition be repre-
sented by a verticalmove in a diagram such as Figure 15.14. In order for such
a transition to be considered likely, not only must the two particular vibra-
tional states overlap each other vertically, but the overlap must include parts of
the vibrational wavefunctions that have similar probability. Figure 15.14 shows
540 CHAPTER 15 Introduction to Electronic Spectroscopy and Structure
Wavenumber (cm^1 )
Relative intensity
34,500 34,700 34,900
Figure 15.13 A high-resolution electronic spectrum of methylaniline, showing a pattern of
lines that is attributable to different vibrational energy levels involved in the electronic transition.
Source:B. Ballesteros and N. Santos,Spectrochim. Acta, Part A,2002, 58: 1074.
Figure 15.14 Two examples of electronic tran-
sitions that have different probabilities due to the
Franck-Condon principle. The transition labeled
A has a low probability, because it is going from
a maximum probability in the ground-state
vibrational wavefunction to a minimum proba-
bility in the excited-state vibrational wavefunc-
tion. The transition labeled B has a higher prob-
ability, because it involves two vibrations of more
similar probability at that particular internuclear
Internuclear separation