two examples of a high-probability and a low-probability transition using
Franck-Condon principles. The transition marked A has a low probability, be-
cause the vibrational wavefunctions do not overlap well, and a high-probability
region is in the same nuclear position as a low-probability region. The transi-
tion marked B has a higher probability because high probabilities overlap.
Mathematically, the transition moment of a vibronic transition depends on
an overlap integral in terms of the electronic and vibrationalwavefunctions.
The form of the transition moment is
Mel,uppervib,upperˆel,lowervib,lowerd (15.23)
where the “el” refers to the electronic wavefunction and “vib” refers to the vi-
brational wavefunction. The operator ˆis the electric dipole operator. Since
the change in the molecule involves one of its electrons, to a good approxima-
tion the dipole moment operator affects the electronic wavefunction and not
the vibrational wavefunction. The above integral can therefore be separated as
Mel,upperˆel,lowerdvib,uppervib,lowerd (15.24)
The first integral represents a “normal” transition moment. The value of the
second integral is not determined by orthonormality, since it represents dif-
ferent vibrational wavefunctions ofdifferentelectronic states. This second in-
tegral is known as the Franck-Condon overlap integral,and it is a measure of
the amount of overlap between two different vibrational wavefunctions. The
larger the overlap (see Figure 15.14), the larger the transition probability.
The Franck-Condon principle is applicable to polyatomic molecules also.
However, as might be expected, the potential energy diagrams get more com-
plicated, in part because there are now 3N 6 vibrational degrees of freedom
and therefore 3N 6 potential energy diagrams to consider for eachelectronic
state. Many electronic spectra are actually vibronic spectra. In some electronic
spectra, the vibrational structure is visible, in others it is not resolved. Figure
15.15 shows an example of an electronic spectrum at low resolution, so no vi-
brational structure is seen. Compare this with Figure 15.13, which is a much
higher resolution spectrum. See the difference?
15.8 Electronic Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules
Since most chemical species are polyatomic molecules, a discussion of the elec-
tronic spectra of molecules covers most matter. However, the subject is so large
(the saying “books are written about it” is especially true here) that we can
cover only a few specific topics.
The electronic states of polyatomic molecules can be labeled using the irre-
ducible representations of the symmetry point group of the molecule. (This is
another example of how symmetry is important in the understanding of spec-
tra.) As such, the same rule involving the direct product of the irreducible rep-
resentations applies:
*upperoperatorlowerA 1 (15.25)
or whatever label is the totally symmetric irreducible representation in that
symmetry point group. Here,*upperis the (complex-conjugated) irreducible
representation of the upper electronic state,loweris the lower electronic
state, and operatoris the irreducible representation of the appropriate dipole
moment operator. The irreducible representation labels of the dipole moment
15.8 Electronic Spectra of Polyatomic Molecules 541
Wavelength (nm)
Relative intensity
C 60
Figure 15.15 Many electronic transitions have
vibrational structure, which shows up only
under a high resolving power. Compare the low-
resolution electronic spectrum of C 60 with the
higher-resolution spectrum of methylaniline in
Figure 15.13.Source:H. Ajie et al.,J. Phys. Chem.,
1990, 94: 8633.