c.All of the atoms in chloroform have complete valence shells and all-paired
electrons. This suggests a colorless compound. It is a colorless liquid.
(Although it sometimes has a yellowish tinge, it is generally recognized as
d.Ti in the 4 oxidation state has a noble-gas electron configuration, as do
the O^2 ions. Therefore, this compound is not expected to absorb visible
light. Its electronic transitions are expected to occur in the ultraviolet region
of the spectrum. TiO 2 is very white. It is extensively used in industry as a
white pigment in everything from paints to various food products. (Does it
surprise you that you occasionally eat an ingredient of paint?)
e.With four transition metal atoms, it might be expected that hemoglobin is
colored. It is responsible for the red color of red blood cells.
15.9 Electronic Spectra of Electron Systems:
Hückel Approximations
It is difficult to state generalities about the electronic structure of molecules,
because molecules are so diverse. However, for one group of electrons, there is
a relatively easy framework in which to understand electronic energy levels:
electrons in organic molecules. In particular, we are limiting the following dis-
cussion to molecules that have alternating single and double bonds; that is,
they have conjugatedbonds. In organic molecules,electrons reside in mo-
lecular orbitals formed by the side-on, nonaxial overlap of atomic orbitals of
the carbon atoms, as shown in Figure 15.16. Such orbitals represent a particu-
larly important aspect of carbon-carbon bonding in organic chemistry. The
chemistry of aromatic organic compounds, which are based on benzene, is in
part dictated by the electrons located in conjugated orbitals. Nonaromatic
conjugated electron systems, like 1,3-butadiene, are also relevant molecular
systems. (Recall from organic chemistry that conjugated bonds, alternating
single and double carbon bonds, have a special stability since adjacent double
bonds can overlap with each other, extending the electron system. See Figure
15.16 for an illustration.)
An approximate treatment ofelectron systems was introduced in 1931 by
Erich Hückel and is called the Hückel approximationoforbitals. The first
step in a Hückel approximation is to treat the sigma bonds separately from the
pi bonds. Therefore, in a Hückel approximation of a molecule, only the
bonds are considered. The usual assumption is that the bonds are under-
stood in terms of regular molecular orbital theory. The bonds form the over-
all structure of the molecule, and the bonds spread out over, or span,the
available carbon atoms. Such bonds are formed from the side-on overlap of
the carbon 2porbitals. If we are assuming that the bonds are independent
of the bonds, then we can assume that the molecular orbitals are linear
combinations of only the 2porbitals of the various carbon atoms. [This is a
natural consequence of our earlier linear combination of atomic orbitals—
molecular orbitals (LCAO-MO) discussion.] Consider the molecule 1,3-butadiene
(Figure 15.17). The orbitals are assumed to be combinations of the 2patomic
orbitals of the four carbon atoms involved in the conjugated double bonds:
(MO) c 1 2 p,C1 c 2 2 p,C2 c 3 2 p,C3 c 4 2 p,C4
where c 1 ,c 2 ,c 3 , and c 4 are the expansion coefficients and C1, C2, C3, and C4
refer to the individual carbon atoms. The combination of four atomic orbitals
15.9 Electronic Spectra of Electron Systems: Hückel Approximations 543
Figure 15.16 Conjugated bonds are formed
when alternating single and double bonds be-
tween carbon atoms overlap, allowing the elec-
trons to traverse the entire span of the double
bonds, instead of being confined between two
particular carbons.